Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)



some russian asked about it on twitter iirc

It wont be the tiger premium as thats just copy and paste and they don’t do dev blogs for that

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I know man, I was making a little joke. It’s probably Leo 2A7something and I’m sure it still won’t be right, lol.

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my guy where does that say rank 8

spoiler: the reply is not a leak, just speculation

iirc the Modifier only starts to differentiate to individual tank families after WWII tanks because Rolled steel and cast steel are both values for all tanks of WWII and then there was stuff like HHRA (Abrams) and Cast armor (T-72)

the main outrage ar the time was that the russian top tier tank steel quality was set to 150% (wwii rolled steel being 100%) while the western HHRA was at 90%


the only western tank that was different was the Strv 122 family which also got the 150%

however this whole thing has been rolled back a long time ago

M8 like re read it again

As a dutch person, seeing a boat devblog would be fitting for today…

But it’s not monday anymore? (At least in Europe)

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what day is it in de Nederlanden

He later said not Monday

That was a mistake

I see

Damn…flanker in WT battles? You would try to flank amd in meantime your whole team dies, leaving only use against like 5 enemy.


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yea and im telling you thats speculation

And US should also be in Tuesdays territory now. West cost should have 1:21 AM

so wait, is a Gnat an animal?

Sounds like a statement to me and if Gszabi said if Monday was a mistake then we know he wrote this.
The red square fit Gszabi username where the bottom one don’t