so if we go by this and the new subtree for italy…
Nova29r was working on a jet for the italian techtree.
Interestingly, many people are waiting for the Hungarian Leopard 2a7+ Hun, even though it is in the factory, there was no official handover yet, there was no press conference. Next year, when the delivery of the order starts, the handover will be taken to the Városliget in Budapest. You will be able to get much more information about the type. Currently, the German Leopard 2A7V is the most modern used by the Bundeswehr. I would expect the PZH-2000 sooner, since it is used by both the Bundeswerh and the Italian army, and the Hungarian defense is slowly receiving the last piece of it. State-of-the-art NVG smart ammunition spare armour, etc. There would also be differences between the Hungarian and Italian PZH-2000 in terms of physics, NVG and other areas.
The Italian advance training attack machines should come first.
ASW Helis opens the way for some nations Helis.
Like Canadian ones
okay we have had 2nd dev blog but what about 3rd dev blog
I hope this is not so. We will see what is on sale at Christmas.
I think 3rd dev blog is possible but unlikely
Ooooo that’s another one off my RR bingo list.
Can you share it with us?
Is that the Free Square? Because you guys know only 10% of players care about naval
If I send you a six pack can we make it a drinking bingo card?
J35XS is even worse
I’ve been looking forward to seeing this devblog for awhile, Roanoke was one of the vehicles leaked by Oliviia all the way back in Drone Age ( ! )
It looks like we have the same thinking :D
Is coping about the premium Tornado being suggested for 10.3 on the bingo list too? (Grimvoiny says it might be even lower than 10.7)
If so then I am part of that copium and hopium.
If coping of any kind was on a bingo card, I’d have enough to have won several times already.
are we getting more fox-3’s this update
I really hope all the tornados are getting a BR drop, they need it ASAP
Every time someone asks for Fox 3s a random innocent child stubs their toes.
Think of the children, dont ask for fox 3s.