Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

We need to get to tha tipin
Those parts do not exist without da tipin

Send in the flying lawnmowers!


What would be a nice discussion topic for R&R ??

That lawnmower reminds me of goliaths

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There are, for example, armored cars that could definitely be added, and there are still some interesting tanks that could be added such as the AMR.35 ZT1/2.

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I bet the new fighter for Britain will be an small Indian “sub tree” so it would have long Gevity.
So Britain will have the Mig-29K, Su 30 ect : D

Thqt will make some people upset


I mean it would reach us to part 5 by the end of the week


It would

But that thing would still just be a non wheeled reserve AMD

it should

Yeah? The game lacks early late 30s/early WWII vehicles, I see no problem in adding a few more.


But yea even though the Western side of the commonwealth fit it’s only a few aircraft here and there but with India Britain can have like a year worth of content for Britain.

I mean if the Indian T-90 is there to “fill” holes and diversify gameplay in the tree then prepare for the worst out come :P

Are they really nescesarry though ?
And would they add anything new to the game ?
A interwar vehicle as an Event reward like with the PO 2M or AMD SA 35 is nice.
But in an Update we should actually get something new and exciting in my opinion.

Copy paste vehicles are bad enough already. Having to work for a vehicle that does not bring anything new to the table is kind of senseless.Thus it makes sence that we get those vehicles rarely

I am happy that we still get ww2 vehicles at all

Dovbleg when?

wait four too seven hours

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idc if the new players don’t like them

I Love those bad or Mediocre at best ultra low tier vehicles

but I am more going for planes than tanks, those are even better imo

things like the TB3 are just imo the most fun vehicles available in Warthunder

Sheep dovbleg incomeng!

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Who said copy paste? Some would look similar to those we currently have, while others would be completely new.

If by “new and exciting” you mean another Abrams, Challenger or Leopard I don’t know what those words mean to you (not trying to be rude), but adding vehicles that are practically the same that will also take you ages to unlock by playing a horrible BR is not exciting in any way.

We could have the early T-26 versions (which would finally fix the chinese T-26 mistake), early Pz.II, tons of armored cars… there are lots of vehicles, with some being more original than others, but it’s about variation and bringing something to an essential BR that has been practically forgotten.