Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

It does get 80 internal large caliber it seems

yeah they literaly already exist lol



boxer schwerer waffenträger

Give XF2 with 8 AAM-3s please


kinda looks like



not really that looks more stubbier

Yeah the front is more round

Are these prototypes? The BMVG says the production models are planned to arrive in 2025. A few months ago I heard it wasn’t sure which turret they would use, but I guess that means they have decided by now.

made me remembeer…

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as far as is understood, is that they want to get the australian configuration

I see LAV-III, give me.

I believe that’s a photo of the Keiwi’s LAV-III. The “NZLAV” I belive it’s called.


Makes sense, but I also get that Gaijin may not implement it before the actual configuration is known. An event Vilkas would give us something to play with until then.

why does america make their tanks so fat tho, everything

Because contrary to what a certain game might tell you, we prioritize armor and range over anything else.

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i mean yeah but even so they look so overly bubbly

you mean like challenger 3 prototype or VT-4B which doesnt seem to be officaly revealed.

While the exact german configuration isnt known yet, their stil is german prototype version with the exact same job that already exist and arent in use in other countries either

As I understand it the Challenger 3 proto is said to have features of the production variant while the production variant will come to the game later and probably have more stuff like a roof-mounted gun.
The Schwerer Waffenträger in comparison seems more mysterious to me in that the final config is not as certain as with the Challenger 3 and the prototypes weren’t officially confirmed by the army to be used as a basis for the production version (or rather, which of them and which features exactly etc.), or were they? I’m really not an expert on German arms procurement, just trying to understand.
I often get the impression the German military doesn’t advertise their future vehicles as openly and many of the protos are just proposed by manufacturers, but again, I’m not an expert and don’t research this stuff daily.
Could also just be that the model isn’t ready yet or Gaijin works in mysterious ways. :)

Got it on dev server and spade it…and i cant tell you it is a demon. There are still some things missing or not working, but i hope that the flight preformance will not change

And i hope it will stay like this with the few things getting fixed

unless they add spain neither are going to get it

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