Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Gripen A could have easily came with F-16s and Mig-29s when they were coming into the game. But we just got JA37D. A copy and paste of JA37C without the only difference it had between them which were amraams. Both had same missiles, bug gaijin decided not. Well now JA37D is at 11.3 where could have JA37C be if they gave it extra flares and 9L.


Toyota Technicals Tree Tech


Jup lower then 10.7

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Guided weaponry data (in-game values) Honorable mention for Jaek_ for making amazing videos on missile on YouTube If you want to reach enlightment, then you have to spade the Italian heli line, no talisman/ premium/ boosters - Google Spreadsheets

spreadsheet basically says it’s still best in class, bested by R-23/4T which aren’t really in the same class due to being massive.

My gameplay experience also shows that it’s annoying to defeat and has an uncanny tendency to ignore flares even with afterburner disabled.

Still waiting the 360° MAWS on Mirage 2000s :(


idk man i rarely die to 9Ls now days


Quick, someone check all the vehicle suggestions Smin rejected before they delete them!!! Aaaaahhhhh

Someone already mentioned it but maybe the Vehicle Smin was referring to is that Taiwanese M1A2T, as it literally wasn’t possible a year ago but now is thanks to its technical status as being operated by Taiwan

Jesus christ

Trust me, I get why people want MAWS on the planes but we turn the automatic flare dispensing off in real life. You’d end up dumping more flares and running out before you notice it. Especially with how this game is and how furballs go. Just look at how fast the F-111 dumps all of its flares because of its MAWS.

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So US will get a Taiwanese Abrams?

no, China wil get it.

😁 well at this point I think it’s safe to say we getting the smexy 😈 jets


Why? Then UK should get its Australian Abrams


I like the MAWS for the screeching it gives me when a missile is in the envelope. I turn off that autodump.

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Taiwan is already in China… its the left line.

I want them more for the warning that something is launched, than for the auto CMs ^^

Edit: also the real account of small flares on Mirage 2000s should be 256 :p

If the Tornado IDS “suddenly” has the statistics to match a BR of 10.7 when the premium Tornado arrives, that would be such a Gaijin move. Several BR changes does nothing, but a premium does.


It was passed for China a while ago

Yeah the warning system is mainly the big takeaway from MAWS, whoever thought an auto dump was a smart system definitely either never flew or wasn’t thinking haha.

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