Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

It will ruin the matchmaker for Germany by flooding their teams with terrible premiums.

ao a pre-ASSTA tornado without targeting pod

Britain and Italy should get one too tbh

Blog chances increase from now as time goes on. There are chances for days with multiple, but it can change.



I currently and sadly do not have the budget on my current circumstances, but I will 100% purchase this Tornado once I can afford it to grind the German tree, hahah.

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Fret not, mm is already ruined by premiums of all other nations

we expecting 12 blogs today, got it

Isn’t the OES better than the TES? Isn’t it the most armoured CR2??


Could easily be 10.7 again.
The F-4F has a higher bombload (lol), more countermeasures, twice the missile load, an actual radar and Mavericks


A crucial information detected



Sorry, but the tornado is just bad for grinding air even at 11.0, it isnt specialy fast and F4Fs easily can keep pace and even steal bases with rockets. For grinding air the Mig lazur M will be just the better choice.

What was needed was a CAS plane option, which this certainly isnt with only dumb bombs, and premium has no benefit on the CAS plane when u cant effectively farm air in GRB matches.
This is just a sad addition


as of right now, it seems to be C&P to the TT one apart from a .50

yes and the best ones are never Available >:|

I was looking to buy this to have 11.3 CAS with GBU but I see how USRR is handled vs other countries strikes again.


More or less the same, but it’s heavier haha

Yea, also the heaviest and with a 50 cal
That thing breaks time and space (and its suspension) by standing due to its pure mass

I can smell a graphic card dying xD


It would have made way more sense to do a premium F-4F

Gameplay wise, it’s actually the worst; heaviest, slowest… and since Gaijin doesn’t give all of that armor any effectiveness, it’s just dead weight, so it’s not even armor at the cost of mobility; it’s just… slower.