Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Japan and Israel.
If you’re feeling spicy then France and maybe Italy.

France is getting the Mirage 4000 while Italy is likely getting the Centauro Draco. But Italy is better off with it’s light vehicle spam.
If France gets a top tier light and Italy gets top tier air-to-air or a better Ariete is to be seen.

Iirc the leak even gave Italy the Centauro II. Which would be even better than the draco.

Good Night everybody see yall tomorrah

Hopefully waking up to a dev stream

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We pray


Yeah, I mixed two leak lists.
Italy will likely be healthy this update if it’s true, so they’ll only be struggling in SPAA.

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Gonna laugh when they announce the CF-18.

Oh my god I just woke up F-15 is in the trailer

Timezones are hilarious, one half of us have already seen it and the latter half have yet to

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@Torpid_Hunter was right for the update name tho there’s superiority in it

I woke up at 4:00 in the morning and decided to watch the trailer. Big mistake, haven’t slept since.

Who are you? a WT sociologist?
I was also thinking about how wrong gaijin is to bring the 2A7V, if it finally arrives.

I didn’t say that, I complained about it not being in the trailer. I think I made my position on the matter very clear. If you don’t want to read it and then come with your arguments like “wah wah” that’s your problem. Talking about arguments, you said “it’s not in the trailer because it’s focused on the air” and when I mentioned the Swedish cat and the T-90 you didn’t say anything. Anyway.

Well, that’s a fact.

Then they tell us “we give the community what the community asks for.”
I only see the community asking for light tanks and planes for Great Britain and they give it 2 more challengers. The good thing is that the dozen challengers 2 are almost there.
Germany orders a new Leopard after almost three years and they give us an overweight 2A5 while Italy and Sweden receive the German vehicles.
Hey, we no longer want to order even a light vehicle for Israel for fear of receiving another magach.

Ooooft thats rough but almost worth it I reckon

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RAAF F-18A/B confirmed.

i hope so, that way i dont have to see a brtish main mention it every second

In my opinion the F-15 will need early AMRAAM to be competitive with the Su-27 with R-27ER


I agree the F15 will be very good but not against an Su-27 with 4 R73s and 6 R27ERs


Python 4 wasn’t announced. Israel suffers.

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Just hug the ground like everyone else has to

Idk isn’t the F-15A supposed to have far better acceleration and TWR than the Su-27? (Just going by what I have been reading online)

That difference would only get bigger if the Su-27 is hauling 10 missiles I assume?

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