Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

CBT Indian AF sub tree pack


where is today dev?

Could be that jaaaaaag that was seen in the shooting range

with the Ferocious Indians that got re-Britished

We don’t have any rules in wt to be fair.


It’s been postponed by another hour now. Gaijin postpones the devblog every time someone asks for it.


any bets on what kind of dev blog we are getting today?
Rank VIII Tank
Teaser showing off flanker and eagle
Or a random boat (premium)

probably a boat. It’s usually a boat after the weekend.


Likely no teaser until thursday.

Best guesses today are:

  • Premium Hungarian Tiger E pack
  • Some US light cruiser
  • Rank VIII Leopard 2 (2A7V according to the leak)

Arjun anyone that will be fun
It has a rifled barrel its will be ours

I’d prefer a teaser today, since they can spread the devblogs over the week if they did that.

last years teaser was December 8th so a teaser on Thursday December 7th makes a lot of sense since they usually drop Thursdays

usually, sometimes fridays and sometimes even saturdays.

That is my estimate too. And dev streams on friday.

I think they’ll be in the teaser (you’ll see a T-90M or Leopard 2a7) but i think the main part of the teaser will be these higher capability 4th gens and Gripen - cause not announced yet plus seeing a F-15 and Su-27 for the first time in a trailer will hype up the community

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its weird that gaijin hypes up the top tiers of the game, while the majority of the playerbase plays at around the br’s of 4.0 : 8.0.

I would love a source for that statement.

EDIT: also, are they playing that BR because they want to play that BR or to get to said high tier vehicles?

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it’s because the majority of people who spend money on the game, long-term dedicated players & wallet warriors are at top tier


That sounds like a more reasonable but unfortunate reason…

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This 1000%.

Also it is far easier to hype the F-15 than it is to hype the 20th Sherman variant with slight differences.

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