Give the UK the Australian Boxer IFV ¯_(ツ)_/¯
the redback is better in most ways put it wherever Australian stuff is going to go and that one i can actually commit espionage to get changes
Japan didn’t have other options, Britain does
south korean IFV that won the IFV competition against the KF41 . Redback is otherwise known as AS21 a derivativer of the K21
UK already has its own Boxers and Ajax would be a much better option imo
You mean the boxer with the .50?
so, which one of the planes in the trailer is the british one?
to be fair, UK doesnt actualy have Boxers with real weaponry
None, it will be on the dev stream or dev serv
I like the fact that they have chosen the chally 3 for britain, that means that t14 armata is 100% possible, because if they add a prototipe tank that their production is going to start the next year, why not adding one with 20+ units made.
Not everything was shown in the trailer.
So it conflicts with no other tree so Britain makes sense nice
Leopard 2A5DK
2A7Q (+ Qatar)
What beautiful cumulative grids.
Now that you mention it, we get more and more into the still classified age of vehicles.
I hope that the moderation team is keeping an eye on anything that might want to include classified stuff by now.
I do not think for example that you will find much about the F 15 or more modern F 16 models nowadays too.
You don’t have to reply but its a SAAF plane i believe
even then, why should it conflict?. Poland and South Korea would have their own version
So will we get an dev stream today?
of course, the british plane isn’t cool enough to appear in the trailer
Im sure itll be worlds better than the warrior/warrior tes/warrior tes(h) and warrior 2000.
Britain really needs something to back up their mbts.