Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Mavericks with overpressure would be too OP lol.
6 Mavericks + 4 GBUs for 10 potential kills.

Soviets are restricted to 4 Kh25 / 2 Kh29 + 2 Kh25

France is restricted to 2 AS-30.

JH7A will be the first strike aircraft to carry 4 Kh29 (next major update).

Which in turn will probably cause some fighting between NATO nation players in game lol.

Did they announce it would get all 4 pylons? And could it take all 4?

Mavs do overpressure.
However in the case of Pantsir and Flarakrad… they have separate crew compartments.
So if it overpressures on one it might not on the other.

I think GBUs will just remain the meta unless we get new SPAA.

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Not sure, but it can be mounted on the 4 pylons.

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iirc yes

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fun fact
on russian forum, its the most hated plane. Even more than f16c


It can, yes. It’ll be quite nice for China to get a good high tier CAS aircraft after what happened with the Q-5s.

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It’s better in ARB than the SMT, so I’m not surprised.

saw almost no difference in maneurability

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who needs Editing

this one is in active duty with the US army

this one looks too close to the old Leo 2 thermals not to be them

this one is a 3rd gen command sight, comes with a Laser illuminator build in

they also have Aircraft bound systems btw. some are oddly missile shaped

I don’t know what to tell you other than that the G is quite a bit more maneuverable than the SMT.

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jh-7a carries 4 laser guided bombs
Isnt it a great cas?
if not, i was fooled, that ger tornado is a great cas :(

I worded that wrong. I meant that the JH-7 in general in much better than the Q-5s, and that it’ll be better.

the G never skipped Gym day while the SMT was yitting in the hangar watching RT all day

Getting absolutely chockers with aviation kerosene, yes.

Tbf the SMT is still missing thrust

I helped with the ticket, and I let Gaijin know that Kh-29’s were actually bought for the Q-5 as well. Not sure if it’s gonna change, not sure if the Q-5 ever actually ended up getting to use them, but the intention was there from China for sure.

Makes the same/almost as good first two turns, then it bleeds of speed noticeably quicker than the 9.13. It’s not bad, the radar is a little better, and the R-73’s are nice, but the G would definitely be the top 29 right now.

Won’t matter for long, it’s Flanker time soon :)

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2A7V would break top tier.

Best frontal armor and firepower, 3Gen thermals, good mobility and doesn’t suffer from typical soviet MBTs problems (reverse speed and gun depression).

I really hope for 12.7; otherwise, being able to carry 4 R-73s and 6 R-27ERs will be quite overpowered.