Mavs do overpressure.
However in the case of Pantsir and Flarakrad… they have separate crew compartments.
So if it overpressures on one it might not on the other.
I think GBUs will just remain the meta unless we get new SPAA.
I helped with the ticket, and I let Gaijin know that Kh-29’s were actually bought for the Q-5 as well. Not sure if it’s gonna change, not sure if the Q-5 ever actually ended up getting to use them, but the intention was there from China for sure.
Makes the same/almost as good first two turns, then it bleeds of speed noticeably quicker than the 9.13. It’s not bad, the radar is a little better, and the R-73’s are nice, but the G would definitely be the top 29 right now.
Best frontal armor and firepower, 3Gen thermals, good mobility and doesn’t suffer from typical soviet MBTs problems (reverse speed and gun depression).