M8 LAC should rightly be increased to BR at least BR 2.0

I agree with you on the M8 LAC… However, there are 2 choices for M8 LAC:

  1. Either put it at BR 1.7or 2.0.

  2. Or put it at BR 2.3, but add the ability to do scouting.

Either choice is fine with me.

As for the BT-5 and BT-7 I had made a proposal to improve the game balance, if you are interested I’ll leave you the link.

It would need to be Rank 2 to get scouting.

And considering it’s a 1942 vehicle, it should be Rank 2, get scouting and be played like a scout car 🤔

It’s silly that the Sd. Kfz 222 in the Chinese tree is 1.0 from like 1936.
I mean they made it into an SPAA, but still. It’s a scout car just like the M8 and I think I’ve shot down more planes using the .50cal than the slow firing 20mm.

There are already vehicles at BR 2.3 but with Rank 2, so if the players want this vehicle to have the ability to do scouting that’s fine with me. If not you put it at BR 1.7 or 2.0 without the ability to do scouting, either way would solve the problem