- Yes
- No
M60A3 in Austrian Service, note the M60A3’s thermal shroud & laser rangefinder with a M60A1 RISE Passive sight doghouse on the roof. (It is surprisingly difficult to find photos of the M60A3 in US Service)
Another side-grade, a perfect 8.7 companion to the ERA-equipped M60A1 RISE Passive-- trades thermals and protection for a laser rangefinder at a downtier.
The M60A3, referred to semi-officially as the “M60A3 Passive”, is the older brother to the M60A3 TTS, having essentially all of the M60A3 TTS’ upgrades but lacking the AN/VSG-2 Tank Thermal Sight. Instead, the M60A3’s night-fighting capability rested with the same night vision system as the M60A1 RISE Passive. For in-game reference, it is essentially the M60A3 TTS from the Chinese tech tree with any M60 or M60A1 sight doghouse.
If you have any further information to add or correct any errors I have made, please comment it. I would like to provide more extensive information but it is difficult to find much information on the M60A3 and I am not prepared to spend $70 USD on Hunnicutt’s Patton book quite yet.
The M60A1, initially starting production in 1962, had seen many upgrades over it’s service life and was considered highly satisfactory in it’s service, though but the late 70s it was clear it would soon show it’s age. With advancements in solid-state computing, and the failure of the M60A2, the US began seeking a solution to the aging M60A1 while the XM1 remained in development. The M60A3 would start out as an upgrade to existing M60A1 RISE Passives (the M60A1 remaining in factory production until 1980). Replacing the M60A1’s M19 Ballistic Computer with the new solid-state M21 Ballistic Computer-- additionally replacing the M17A1 Coincidence Rangefinder with the AN/WG-2 ruby-laser rangefinder. The M21 Ballistic Computer and it’s associated fire control system (wind-sensor & laser rangefinder) proved a brilliant upgrade to the M60A1, allowing for quicker engagement times. Additionally, the M60A3 received the M68E1 cannon, putting the barrel in a thermal shroud (among other upgrades irrelevant to this suggestion). Starting initial low-rate production in 1978 at the Detroit Tank Arsenal (presumably just upgrading M60A1s as they are in the factory, I’m not sure) and being fielded in Europe by 1979. The M60A3 had a rather short-lived service life, all 748 M60A3s being upgraded to the TTS standard by 1984.
As most of these can be copy-paste from the existing M60A3s in game, I won’t include armor or ammunition statistics, but whether or not this has M735 or M774 as it’s main APFSDS round is simply up to balancing as it could’ve had both in it’s service life.
- Weight: 57.3 t
- Length (barrel forward): 8.92 m
- Width: 3.63 m
- Height: 3.27 m
- Armament: 105mm M68E1 (63 rounds, 37 are first-stage), 12.7mm M85 Commander’s Machine Gun (900 rounds, 180 per belt), & 7.62mm M240 Coaxial Machine Gun (6,000 rounds, 200 per belt)
- Engine: AVDS-1790-2D 750 hp diesel engine
- Maximum speed: 48 km/h
- Smoke dischargers: Same as M60A3 & M60A1 RISE in-game
- Armor: Same as M60A3 TTS in-game without ERA
- Ammunition: Same as M60A3 TTS or M60A1 RISE in-game.
https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA141935.pdf (Search “M60A3” with ctrl+f, most of the document is about the M60A1 but a few portions are dedicated to the M60A3 & M60A3 TTS upgrades. I find this the most reliable & primary source)
M60A3 Main Battle Tank | Estrella Warbird Museum (Museum site, used for physical specs)
M60A3 Patton Tank Thermal Sight (TTS) (I don’t particularly trust this source, only used it for the history section.)
M60A3 TTS (China) | War Thunder Wiki (for specs)
СТАЛЬ И ОГОНЬ: СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВНЫЕ ТАНКИ: M60A3 PI TANK PROGRAM (I am unsure of this source’s reliability and only utilized it for the specification’s image. I have been unable to find the document actually on the website.)
Photo Gallery

Looks to be a M60A3 TTS, but still good reference.
Again, likely M60A3 TTS in picture but it’s a bit harder to tell

Missing all of it’s sights entirely, this museum piece isn’t a great reference
Another Austrian M60A3 from what I can tell, note the smoke dischargers and spare tracks.