Why the heck is the M44 4.0??? It is a korean war tank, It can single handedly One tap everything almost any where at this battle rating, But rounds hate to spall on it ever, It has the same exact round, explosion and almost same velocity as the M109 which is almost three entire battle ratings above it, This tank is stupidly broken and the fact it could even fight panzer 3’s and early ww2 tanks as a korean war tank is a little insane.
M44: Open top, unarmored.
SU-152: Entirely enclosed, one of the most armored tanks for its BR, slightly slower reload speed.
Brummbar: Entirely enclosed, similar reload speed, armored, has access to HEAT.
I’d say M44 is balanced.
broken logic, dates of vehicle creation do NOT determine how effective it is.
Using a coaxial machine gun OR just using HE solves this problem instantly. I don’t like playing against them, as they are powerful in some situations, but they definitely aren’t overpowered.
Most other nations do not have a 50 cal. Sure you can load he but if you have already fired it’s pretty much over for you. A small caliber mg will not do a singular thing to it
M44 has half of their reloads, and more TNT. It may not have armour but it is extremely fast with very good mobility for a 4.0
M44 is 75% the reload of Su-152 while having far less armor.
Brummbar reload is 15% slower than M44 while being more armored.
M44 has higher velocity than the Brumbar, And better range, Su152 is good no doubt, But it is much much slower, The M44 gets to better positions MUCH faster.
Ahh another time period based argument, best not look to the swedish TT (1950’s & 1960’s equipment at equal BR or lower).
Ignoring production dates makes this game far more enjoyable especially nowadays (used to complain especially in aviation like a Attacker FB.1 fighting CL.13A Mk.6 back in the day when it was 1.0 BR apart).
Well to deal with the spelling issues, one could start to use High Explosive shell types against them or large calibre anti-aircraft guns like 40 mm bofors, the other M41 based vehicle the M42 is extremely effective against the M44 often killing the gunner in the first shot & the rest of the SPG’s crew in a matter of seconds.
And as a trade-off, it’s much more lightly armored and open-topped! Even the slightest tap of some low-caliber HE shells can kill the thing, which is vastly easier than Brummbar or SU-152 :P
The vehicle itself is fine, the problem is people that didn’t adjusted himselves to the vehicle, while shots from main caliber guns deal some damage, the best is disabling the driver with machine gun, shooting the center of mass causing damage to the weapon and finishing with HE or the machine gun you have, it doesn’t need to be exclusively 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, the vehicle should no go up in battle rating.
ok dude there’s no actual way you’re bringing spelling argument into a warthunder forum 💀. thanks for the tip, but if it shoots after i shoot aphe and dont take much there’s no point in that argument
If you are sitting there in a vaccum, sure.
You should not be sitting in front of any enemy tank.
Sure it can one shot you but anything with a gun larger than 45mm can one shot it back
Spelling argument? My only critique was the use of production dates as a valid reason.
Well if the APHE does fuse an damage them catastrophically then I guess the follow up shot can be any shell type, still most non SPG’s usually will reload quicker leading to the M44’s destruction (although HE is a better option than just AP, so if with a fast reload switching to HE can be a better alternative).
It’s kind of crazy when people say stuff like “well my APHE doesn’t fuse on it :(” leading to the realization that these people are far too used to APHE in its current broken state to actually try aiming for critical parts of a vehicle like ammo, which is especially large on howitzers…
ive aimed for ammo with my KV and it still refuses to one tap sometimes :P. But i mainly made this argument because its much better as a tank than my Lorraine 155 but lower br
The maus and E100 are ww2 tanks yet it fights early modern day tanks