M44: Big-Bore Bulldog

Unironically I think it’s quite possible.

Vehicles like this get my juices flowing more than any Gen 4 jet. Laughing at how many guys they’ve just got chilling in there. Going to be an interesting experience protecting this thing from CAS, but I’m here for it.

While you’re not wrong, nothing is stopping Gaijin from adding those in the future. I’ll take some copy and paste goodness for the time-being.

This excuse was fine in the past, but it’s never really panned out that way.

Has for China… 2019 - copy and paste city (which was a reason to try the tree itself, you got the best of both worlds), and they’ve added a ton of domestic vehicles since that point. All things considered, apart from the recent addition of the Leopard 2 and this upcoming M44, France has had it pretty good for uniqueness and exclusivity. The only downside of that is the many complaints from those using the vehicles that this uniqueness isn’t what they want (such as non-stabilized solid shot shooting goodness). Be thankful that they’ve continued to add vehicles like the AMX-10M/P and they’re finally going to add the VBCI. France is eating good in the ground tree, and will continue to do so - copy and paste or not.

Those require effort though. So not gonna happen.

Unique techtrees are a relic of the past.

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It was like this because it was a exclusive nation for the Chinese servers. It’s only after it was added to the global client this changed.

But hey, lets keep watering down trees with copy-paste instead of domestic vehicles.

exactly. once theres something that fills a spot, theres nearly no incentive to add something unique that does the same job, at least not within a time period that is reasonable. we will see something unique in about 3-4 years going by other such cases.

cause in the 1950’s, Germany was split between East and west where the US provided the West with some equipment…