M24 Chaffee for British tech tree

Still no Chaffee I? We named the thing, owned almost 3-400 of them, and used them in combat.

Chaffee I at 3.7 would sit between SARC MkVI (3.3) and Concept 3 (4.0). It’s a little difficult to place in the current TT but it could potentially be foldered with the Sherman II as a lend-lease vehicle, or a Premium with 7th Armoured skin.


Simply no need for it, -1

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Why japan and china both got one, and the british operated more then the two of them put together?

Because both of those lack domestic alternatives at the same or similar BR. The UK has plenty of domestic light tanks (including commonwealth vehicles) already around that BR and more that could be added. It doesn’t need a copy-paste Chaffee.


name 5, because there is no other 75mm tanks slinging aphe

AEC Mk. III – 75mm, same as Cromwelll – should fire American ammunition (incl. APHE)
AEC Mk. II – 57mm (6 pdr.)
AEC Griffin – 57mm (6 pdr.)
Cromwell II Prototype – 57mm (6 pdr.)
Cavalier – 57mm (6 pdr.)
Staghound Mk. III – 57mm (6 pdr.)
Late War Crusader Mk. III – 57mm (6 pdr.) but with APDS (~180mm)
Coventry Mk. II – 75mm, same as Cromwelll – should fire American ammunition (incl. APHE)


literally nothing you have listed there fires APHE (I should know i suggested a lot of them), as gaijin has explicitly made it a rule that british tanks dont get aphe for the 75mm an 6 pounder, due to the doctrine of removing the filler. And the ones that have a 75mm are not tracked light tanks

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Would the Chaffee I use M61 APHE then, or M61 without filler? At RB 3.3 it would conflict with Cromwell V, but as a 3.7 Scout it would have a role.

That’s incorrect. There’s tons of historical documents showing they did in fact use it, it’s been bug reported several times. Gaijin’s reason for not adding it is purely game balance. Which is strange considering you can simply adjust their BR’s.

The British only removed the filler from early M61 ammo due to reliability issues. Once those issues were resolved they used both. As they had existing stockpiles of inert M61 and were constantly receiving new M61 APHE from the Americans.

The British never removed filler from the 6-Pdr M86 ammo. Though they were less reliant on imported ammunition for them. They did however use the ammunition later in the war.


Aye its been bug reported but gaijin seems set on it for balance reasons as its high pen aphe,


Never occured.

A low tier counterpart of the Puma for the British nice

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Chaffees are tucked away in the background, to the right of mr churchill


In my opinion another copy and paste vechicle such as this will be boring just normal m-24 and that’s all,Gaijin should be focusing on adding some vechicles that never were in the game such as the Argentinian Sherman with a better cannon but it’s just my opinion.


I’d be fine with it as a premium or BP tank.


Total number of Chaffees shipped to the UK was 289, from Quantities of Lend-Lease Shipments.



Easy add to the UK tech tree, ideally SA would’ve been it’s own tree and this could be added instead of one of the vehicles from that line. Would love to see this in the researchable tree :)

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+1 for the British Chaffee.

this would help build one of the best line-up of the US tree in the UK tree, with some differences

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I would love for Britain to get a 3.7 light tank, but the Chaffee is one of the worst options. There’s other tanks Britain could get *that would actually be unique. We shouldn’t add copy paste if we don’t need to.


XD the only difference would be CAS and the Cromwell. Maybe the Sarc if you’re masochistic enough to use it.

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