M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

I still think it is weird that they want exact values for the hull. The M1A1 HC received DU in the turret right? Compared to the base M1A1?

If we take the KE protection values of both the M1A1 HC and base M1A1, we see that the HC has a ~50% increase in KE protection on the turret cheeks compared to the base M1A1.

Now if we assume that the DU that was put in the hull of the SEPs is similar to that of the HC turret, couldn’t they just apply that 50% extra KE protection to the LFP and be done with it?


We should be asking for more, since they only gave us 370mm protection according to the chart.

nope they need exact stats on it to the micrometer

The hull has 360mm, if they improve the armor 50%, the hull would has 540mm. Insufficient

The M1A1 HC has more effective armor than M1A1 AIM in WT. Fun fact.

This is how the front fuel tanks bulkheads should be modelled, they are 25.4mm thick instead of 19mm, remodelling them should also fix this same issue: Community Bug Reporting System

Abrams Lightweight Variant Tank (ALVT) shows how the fuel tanks are fully enclosed, although they’re a bit larger on the normal Abrams.


Will you make the bug report for this?

yes, I’ll do it tomorrow


Oh man, has anyone actually seen the spall liner for the M3A3?

Not that it will matter much in regards to survivability, but can anyone verify that the US didn’t also put spall liners around where the gunner and commander are stationed?


they did but its gajin they dont care about USA ground vehicles


clearly the 2nd world’s strongest military (after russia LOL) Can’t afford to put spall liners for there equipment :)))

Sarcasm in case you didn’t notice :D


When can we expect devblog about du hull armor for Abrams?


Abrams SepV2 right now it not even worth getting it offer nothing even worse than export monkey model


Have you heard anything since?

Why are yall fighting so hard? Everyone knows it should have it.

Of course you think Russia’s stronger…

American top tier is pretty much worthless as of right now, I was ready to spend the money on the clickbait, and the kvt to give the M1a1 aim a line up to play with but now I don’t see the point. I think I’ll be taking a break from the game until the issue gets resolved, and if it doesn’t, I think I’ll give world of tanks a shot


Me too. Imma try to swap to world of tanks

Discussion topic on Russian sources for OTAN vehicles. I think it’s urgent that we have a talk on what should primary sources should be acceptable : Should the Devs consider Russian sources for NATO vehicles and vice versa?


For god’s sake poor Abrams need buff frontal armor
really i feel bad for Abrams right now it deserve better.

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