M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

Abrams SepV2 right now it not even worth getting it offer nothing even worse than export monkey model


Have you heard anything since?

Why are yall fighting so hard? Everyone knows it should have it.

Of course you think Russia’s stronger…

American top tier is pretty much worthless as of right now, I was ready to spend the money on the clickbait, and the kvt to give the M1a1 aim a line up to play with but now I don’t see the point. I think I’ll be taking a break from the game until the issue gets resolved, and if it doesn’t, I think I’ll give world of tanks a shot


Me too. Imma try to swap to world of tanks

Discussion topic on Russian sources for OTAN vehicles. I think it’s urgent that we have a talk on what should primary sources should be acceptable : Should the Devs consider Russian sources for NATO vehicles and vice versa?


For god’s sake poor Abrams need buff frontal armor
really i feel bad for Abrams right now it deserve better.

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All I want for christmas is Y̶o̶u̶ BETTER M1 HULL


i´ve the same wish XD

If anyone is waiting for Gajin dev blog please dont have any exptectations at all. The answer will be about how wrong the sources were.

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It happened many times previously, and it ill probably happen again.

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they admitted that du is in the hull, in seps series

Admitting it has DU in the hull doesn’t mean it’s getting buffed. They still need some numbers to use. They could use the estimates from the bug reports but they won’t.

They could go off of their own DU multiplier in the turret and make the LFP have 50% more protection

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Kind of disappointed there was no post from Gaijin about the Abrams DU today.

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Issue report about the fuel cell bulkheads over the driver area missing armor: Community Bug Reporting System


Do they have a DU modifier? Either way, they would have to know the thickness of the armor arrays to apply the modifier to.

I remember in one of the Abrams devblogs gaijin mention the use of DU armor which is funny because the m1a2 in game is based off the Swedish export armor package which was non-DU and performs worse than the actual DU armor on US tanks. Which points to me that they probably dont use DU modifiers for the Abrams.


Precisely. 600mm KE on the turret cheeks on a 60º arc. Values of the downgraded Swedish test variant and values that even SEP and SEPv2 have ingame.

So, yeah… not even SEPv2 has even actual A2 values.

Instead, these are the values the Australian M1A1 AIM should have (for the turret, since AIM’s hull was improved, too), not the DU-armored A2, let alone SEP and SEPv2, which are even further improved over A2.