M1a2s at top tier

An excuse.

Simply say they’re for balance reasons.

The sources point to the improvements being made, Gaijin just account it as weight from additional equipment (hogwash, since we already know 5 generations of armor has improved ceramics and composites, maintaining or even improving multi-hit resistance while keeping or improving ablative force against perforation or penetration).

So for the precise same reason that a 2018 T80BVM is opposite a 1999 SEP with 1996 armor, it’s balance.

And the turret ring remains as a hole.

And the Supersabot (both A3 and A4) remain off the grid specifically for balance.

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When it comes to the Abrams the devs cannot have documents that disallow for DU armor in the hull.

A) DU was put on hulls (production documents)
B) The hulls are all the same (production documents)
C) Any documents more detailed than this are classified

Furthermore, all documents pertaining to the TECHNICAL side of the production and efficacy of the Abrams armor setup are sensitive. If Gaijin has possession of them they are in violation of the law.


The actual documents that can solve this argument are all classified or sensitive. You are asking to prove a something that cannot be legally proven.


This is a fundamental misunderstanding of Steel Beasts’ goals.

Steel Beasts was developed as a means for countries on a budget to practice the tactics and complex operations and provide training for those working on the vehicles without placing wear and tear on the actual vehicles themselves.
There’s a recent hour+ long interview with the lead developer in which he goes into exact detail on these topics.

He heavily hints at the fact that he does not want the armour values to be close to reality, and explicitly states that he does not want any classified information to be used in the simulation in any form. Even if it could improve the accuracy of the simulation.

This is because of the immense and endless legal paperwork that would be the result of such a thing, he stated that a large portion of Steel Beasts’ development time already goes into day-long talks with the customer concerning legalities and bureaucracy.


Thus we get back to what I told you beforehand:



Another point;

SEPv3 is OFFICIALLY, certified by primary sources, verified to have improved hull armor.

The tank weighs 67 tons without any additional equipment; and 75 tons with Trophy, ARAT and mine plow.

Both of these facts already completely disprove the absurd notion that “no (earlier) variant could possibly have had any form of improved hull armor because suspension wouldn’t be able to handle the weight”.


Interesting! That may explain why the values are inflated by 10-20% (15% on average).

Here it is if you’re interested in listening:

Skip to about 13:24 for the relevant discussion about what I was talking about.


Also found the exact qoute:

‘’[…] We try to not get into that sphere, because as soon as you have one piece of classified information in your code, the entire code gets classified and you can’t do anything with it any more.‘’

‘‘So no, we definitely do not wish our customer tell us their secrets’’

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Yep, saw it!

That definitely explains why the values are inflated/overestimated in many instances, hahah. Nice to know!

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What unit where you with, just to have some proof of your statements. @Dinfire @Casino_Knight i only say that bc anyone can say im this or that regarding real life experience.

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Those that block you are just conceding every future refutation to you TBH.
Which is why I have zero people blocked.
IF someone is a troll, I ain’t giving them the power to make a claim that I won’t know to respond to.

It’s also why I don’t fear bad actors that might stalk my profile and false-flag posts.

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they expect some 2009 Dodge Challenger commercial type action before even considering buffing the abrams


Delta Company, 2-72 Armor. The young man wearing the boonie hat, kneeling, that would be me.


While I can understand that, I hate some of them who stonewall repeatedly and then continue acting in bad faith to cause upset. Some people need a beatdown, and it shows when they bring their arrogance and their mockery constantly to the fore.

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I’m glad gaijin doesn’t listen to all the hearsay and unverified claims and makes changes based only on reliable and accredited information otherwise the abrams would be capable of interstellar flight and immune to all threats both physical and magical at this point.

I look forward to the next thread where this can all repeat without a single shred of tangible evidence.


Funny, someone asks you your unit, and you don’t answer. So much for a security clearance when Conte can hint at his and even back it up, right?

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Insofar as review bombing, I have no intention of starting that up again.

I will ask them again and again to get their stuff fixed, especially where it comes to NATO nations, as is appropriate. Add more modern ammunition to NATO tanks, as is appropriate.

The fact that certain nations lag behind on ammunition is of course unfortunate, but we’re talking about presenting things as they are, not as someone wishes them to be. And let’s be real, we all understand it’s an arcade game.

If they were so kind as to introduce true long distance maps like Poland, Flanders on a larger scale, et al, players would be forced to use their brains more often.

The downside would be that their matches would take longer. But you can alleviate that by making the games in Realistic similar to Arcade, with no ‘historical’ enemies, and simply drop 16 v 16.

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I don’t remember when I was obligated to answer you. Ah right, because I’m not.

If you have any actual, tangible evidence for your incorrect and spurious claims though you should submit a bug report and if it is found to not be napkin math then it will be implemented.


I don’t recall asking you the question. That was someone else. You’re not obligated, but it proves you’re not to be trusted. So long.