M1a2s at top tier

Ah, yes- dismissing and mocking perfectly legitimate concerns by using hyperbole. I know this one.

I guess we will have to wait until General Dynamics releases all specific classified information regarding the U.S’ main workhorse MBT in 2024 signed by all of the Founding Fathers themselves for you to (hopefully) deem it to be “reliable” enough for a change.

General Dynamics, when will you please release all this classified present day information so that some people finally believe that you did, in fact, make some upgrades in 29 years between 1979 and 2008?


ive seen contes post before, hes shown pics in stuff to prove it

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Conte’s the officer material that would have been giving me orders. He and I shared the same dirt in the Triangle of Death in Iraq. Some of my boys rolled out to Fallujah the second fight, while we got stuck on static OP and outer cordons in Ramadi.

I wish to God they’d given us leave to go put some bad guys down, but he might recall the 1-9 Manchus that were stuck in with his boys out west.

Side plate armour:

Gun Shield:

I assume you mean the plate over the driver, the document you provide doesn’t even mark that as “conventional Armour” so since everyone wants Abrams “real armour” based on this pehaps the top RHA should be replaced with “structural steel” (joking… put down the pitchforks USA mains):
Or did you mean the cap over front plate composite array? Because that is clearly marked as “conventional Armour”:
Top plate

Where dose the magic 260mm of extra protection from the same armour thickness come from if there is no DU?


Which is why:

  • US is the current strongest air nation for top-tier.
  • Sweden is the current strongest ground nation for top-tier.

Here’s a top 0.01% player saying the Abrams are well performing vehicles, and the issue lies with the playerbase.



And just to clarify, here’s his stats on the M1’s:

If you still want to call these players '‘Idiots’’ you’re welcome to, but you better not mind looking a bit silly in the process.

Like this?



Or this?



Or this?



Or this?



I literally said they should’ve introduced the M1A2 SEP v3 alongside the T-90M, Leopard 2A7V and Strv 122B+.
The US (and Israel, France, China, Britain and Japan) all deserve an MBT that is as close in performance to the Strv 122 as possible.

But there’s extremes to both sides, I think that the US should’ve gotten a new improved MBT, but that doesn’t automatically mean I think the current M1’s are the worst things to ever see the light of day.


Bro, we have literal veterans and ppl with legit experience and a inside view on how the Abrams preforms (pun intended) and you still deny it. I myself do good with the vehicle, doesn’t mean that its perfect. when i play Russia or Germany or Sweden what ever it may be, i can mostly turn my brain off and just get 6-8 kills with out thinking. The model is older, the tech is much older fighting vehicles 10-20 years newer and with more advanced modeling in game. sure, maybe 2 years ago the modeling was good but when you look at the level of detail on these new mbts like the strv122’s and the leopard 2a7s, and Merkava’s and we see amazing detail. which is good, but for most of us we just want a remodel and more balancing changes. maybe a better round, or br decompression. either way this painting of American mains being brain dead retard players who crab their pitch forks, mindlessly following a fantasy of an OP Abrams is just a myth to infuriate each other.


The “tangible evidence” you are looking for is all classified.

You are asking for something that doesn’t exist for a game or a community.

This is a lazy, close minded, argument.

Fact 1: From M1A1 onwards all Abrams hulls are all the same, and in fact are literally the same.
Fact 2: The suspension has been improved to better accommodate the weight growth of the tank.
Fact 3: DU armor was put into the hull off 5 Abrams.

If you need more than that, I’m not sure what to tell you. It’s more than enough to request DU Armor in the hulls of M1A1 and beyond variants. The only reason NOT to do so is “balance” reasons.

If you need documentations specifying the exact armor composition of M1A1 HC and beyond tanks you will never get it as it is all classified.

Furthermore, the protection values are all based on information obtained from production documents and the declassified Challenger 1 doc (according to gaijin it’s how they estimate protection values for non specified places). Production documents are the BASELINE requirements. Nobody here as any idea how accurate they are. The actual effectiveness is classified. The composition of the “special armor” is sensitive and not publicly known. Nobody at Gaijin, or in this forum (without access to the sensitive/classified documents) has any idea how good the Abrams armor actually works or how effective it is.

This thread is about BALANCING the tank. It’s about making the tank more, or less, effective in game. Given that nobody actually knows anything to precisely assess the protection of the tank, any reasonable request within the KNOWN parameters is perfectly valid. Asking for documentation is a cop out as those are all sensitive/classified.

This game is fake AF. The bullets are fake, the guns are hyperaccurate compared to the real world, targeting systems aren’t modelled, loading times for 4 man crews are adjusted for “balance,” and armor is all just guesswork. Therefore, arguing about accuracy is silly. None of it is accurate.


Did they make it more reliable too or just beef it up.

Beefing it up naturally improves reliability. However, the stresses put on the suspension of heavy MBT’s like the leopard 2 and the Abrams pushes the limits of our technology. So suspension items are still the most common “breakdown” on a tank. So yes, improved but not perfect reliability.


You are welcome to submit a bug report.


Yeah, sure, let balance the game over 0.01% of the playerbase, seems very good plan, maybe lets reduce the playerbase to 0.01% too

Skill issue.


I’m sure that someone who’s got thousands of hours in the game, plays every single tech tree, all BR’s, consistently gets 75% winrates and plays together with extremely knowledgable players, somehow doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Here’s a question for you: Would you rather pick DEFYN or 5 random players to balance Air RB.

I certainly know what my choice would be.


If you want a game that only 0.01% can play correctly, why we are here? none of us are 0.01%. Yeah, most skilled players must have more relevant opinions, but it is only part of it, not something writing in stone and it dont automatically remove/deny others opinions. Thats is also why some times we remove the tops and bottoms to have a more realistic view of the problem.

Balance over 0.01% is like saying to a poor ppl that he can be a millionaire bc 0.01% became millionaire. He will? 99.9% that dont.


Hey, that 0.01% of the players have a 70% WR and 4.0 K/D on Ariete PSO.

Obviously that means Ariete PSO is OP and if we peasants can’t do well on it it’s a skill issue on our end.


That’s not what I said.

I said that the most knowledgable players this game has to offer have a much better grasp on game balance than the average player does.

The problem with M1’s is that the average player using it is terrible.
And that’s Gaijin’s fault for pushing these top-tier premiums.

You get the same problem that has led the A6M6 to be so laughably over-tiered, the average US pilot still thinks dogfighting a plane that most 2.7’s can out-run and out-climb is a clever idea.

Buffing these M1’s day after day won’t change the fact that the playerbase using it has absolutely no map knowledge, terrible aim, no idea where the weakspots are or even have a line-up to respawn with.
You can give them a M1 CATTB and they’d still find a way to die to T-72B3’s and Leopard 2A5’s.

I already debunked that previously, yet now you’re repeating it again.

His Ariete’s have the lowest stats of any of his top-tier MBT’s, thus reinforcing the point that they’re lacking behind.


Its so surrealistic balance a game over so small group of ppl that is hard even to explain such basic thing.


it has permanent ARAT 2 and the turret neck is weak enough for a ZSU or BMP to kill it frontally?

I have strong conviction that the problem is M1A1/A2 that are 11.3+ and its turret ring. Its proven that the turret ring on the firsts M1s are ok and, surprise, the tank have a good WR…

And his “lowest” stats is still 4.0 K/D with Ariete PSO, when it’s barely 0.7 points higher on stuff like Leopard 2A7V.

If he can pull 4.0 with Ariete PSO, 4.3 with Abrams and 4.7 with Leopard 2A7V… that proves my point more than it proves yours.

Or let me guess:

His 4.3 K/D with Abrams proves that it’s so perfectly capable and amazing…
But his 4.0 K/D with Ariete PSO proves that it’s lacking behind?

A player like him would get a 3.8 K/D at 11.7 with base M1 and it wouldn’t mean anything.