I never made any such claim.
Don’t strawman me, otherwise I’m just going to perma-block you as you’ve done this countless times in the past, and quite frankly I’m getting a bit tired of it.
I said that someone like DEFYN or Cavenub have a better understanding of game balance than the average player does.
I also said that a majority of M1 complaints come from players who main USA and believe grass is always greener on the other side. Feel free to check the profiles of the people who post your average ‘‘M1 sucks’’ thread, both on Reddit and on here.
I also never said your opinion is invalid or that it’s inferior to mine.
Let me ask you the following question:
Do you believe the M1A2 SEP is inferior to a Leclerc, AZUR, SXXI, Leopard 2A5, 2A6, PSO, ZTZ-99A, Merkava Mk 4M, 4B, Ariete, AMV, PSO, WAR, Type 10, TKX, Challenger 2, 2 (2F), OES, TES, Black Night, 2E, Challenger 3TD, WZ1001, VT4A1 or T-90M?
I agree that the M1A2 SEP isn’t a top 3 tank, but none of the ones I just mentioned are. That doesn’t mean that any tank which falls below the top 3 is automatically bad or cannot compete.
You’ve seen me say that the M1A2 SEP v3 should’ve been added so many times now that you must think me a broken record.
What’s that? Nobody hitting my turret ring because I’m playing hull-down?