M1A2 SEP V2 ERA Modification

Maybe I’m missing something, but the only proof I see of the armor extending over the fuel cells are the CAD drawings that someone made themselves.
None of the written sources seem to claim that the cells armor extends overhead.

İsnt Abrams suppose to have spall liners between Armor layers? At least thats what i know.


From the bug report and also, we dont see the hidden sources if he provided them.


The question with that is it as effective as normal spall liners

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Why wouldnt be? Considering its a layer between multiple armor layers it can be more effective in that case.

it won’t catch the spall made from the layers past it

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İ dont think thats how it works, as far as i remember i had this conversation with someone else and another guy came in and actually explained how effective will be.

İf you have hard proof that says it will not be effective then İ’ll take it.

i have no proof but its not me you need to convince

its Gajin

İm not here to convince anyone, this situation is already reported and acknowledged.


didn’t know their was an acknowledged report thats very nice

Yea hopefully Gaijin will fix this issue.

That is exactly how it works. Have you not noticed that nobody else has resorted to this “concept”? Every other country, from Germany, through Russia, to UK has their spall liners mounted to the backplate on the crew compartment’s side.

The kevlar “liner” being part of the armour is there to hold the laminated armour intact (it’s the textbook use of kevlar to improve multi-hit capability in fact).

You cannot reduce spall this way, that is literally impossible. I’ve asked this of people in the Abroomz thread as well; how will a liner mounted inside the armour keep the backplate from spalling inside the crew compartment? It cannot. Then I was told about a magical ductile steel backplate that “doesn’t spall”, yea cool, if its ductile then it’s BHn (brinell hardness) is really low.

No matter how many mental gymnastics are deployed, it just doesn’t work this way.

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Well this is interesting actually.

İf what you say is true then Usa made one of the biggest mistakes in history by not adding proper spall liners to their tanks.

Doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. From the M1 crewmen I talked to (and I know a few), all of them had confirmed that there’s no kevlar in the crew compartment, and they’re taught to always wear protective gear. On the other hand, nations with actual spall liners don’t employ protective gear to the same extent (i.e Germany).

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you mean export models? yea might aswell be domestic t72s cuz they are US tanks if the US stopped updating armor/tech in the mid 80s…anyway whats your point?

My man im not expert on this kind of informations not to mention i cant take just some random M1 Crews words seriously in this case thats why i approached to this situation like that.

What bothers me is that in bug report there was a source that directly mentions about spall liners, is it possible that source is wrong?

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But that document doesn’t make any mention of the fuel cells having a 25.4mm ‘‘roof’’.

yes the merkava mk3 is modeled wrong big time for the front turret cheeks

damn thing was left hollow

i dont get it the russian tanks are made sure to be modeled correctly even given things they didn’t have

but other tanks dont

and tell me how does the LFP of abram come out to a default ~550mm thickness but only stops ~400mm KE munitions -_-

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nvm the endless cqc COD matches that skew everythings combat ability