M110A2 SPH

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M110A2 Self Propelled Howitzer




The M110 howitzer was introduced into service with the U.S. Army in 1963 and saw action during the Vietnam War. Subsequent iterations were deployed in the Gulf War, specifically during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, by Tango Battery of the 5th Battalion, 11th Marines, as well as by the British Army’s 32nd Regiment Royal Artillery.

In 1977, the enhanced M110A1 model was deployed, which included a longer M201 series barrel that significantly improved its range. The final iteration, the M110A2, incorporated a double muzzle brake. The M110A2s were produced by refurbishing existing M110s or M107 175 mm self-propelled guns.

In 1981, the Republic of China Army (ROCA) received two shipments of M110A2 self-propelled howitzers that had been ordered in 1980, with the first shipment comprising 50 units and the second consisting of 25 units. Of these, 24 M110A2s were allocated to the independent armored brigades of the Taiwanese Army, while 48 were dispatched to the corps artillery headquarters, and one was designated for a training institution.

The M110A2s have been deployed in various locations, including Taoyuan City, Zhongli Longgang, Hsinchu Hukou, Taichung Dali, Nantou City, Tainan Baihe, Kaohsiung Gangshan, and Renwu, where they also participate in training exercises.

At present, the M110A2 continues to serve within the ROCA; however, there are plans for its potential replacement by a new self-propelled howitzer, likely the M109A6. Negotiations regarding the M109A6 have encountered delays, prompting Taiwan to explore alternative options.

Technical Data


Crew - 5

Total Weight - 28,400 kg

Length - 10.8 m

Width - 3.15 m

Height - 3.145 m

Ground Clearance - 0.442 m

Ground Pressure - .821kg/cm²

Powerplant - 1 x General Motors 8V71T Model 7083-7398 Supercharged Diesel (298 kW Gross at 2,300 rpm)

Transmission - Allison XTG-411-2A (4 Forward, 2 Reverse)

Max Speed - 55 km/h

Max Grade - 60°

Tracks - T132

Suspension Type - Torsion

Range - 523 km (Road)


Assembly - Welded

Armor Configuration - Rolled Homogeneous Steel

Front - 13mm

Sides - 13mm

Drivers Compartment Roof - 13mm

Fire Control / Armament

Main Armament Mount - M158

Main Armament - M201A1 Howitzer(203.2mm)

Gunner Sight - M115 for Left Gunner, M116 for right gunner

Ammunition Count - 2

Ammunition Type - M106 HE, M650 HERA, M404 HE, M509A1 HE

Horizontal Traverse - 60 / 60 (Right / Left)

Max Traverse Rate - 8°/s (Hydraulic, Manual Override Present)

Vertical Traverse - +65 / -2 (Up / Down)

Max Traverse Rate - 6°/s (Hydraulic, Manual Override Present)








8" SPH M110

M110 howitzer - Wikipedia

List of US arms sales to Taiwan - Wikipedia



203mm? ROCA got some crazy vehicles not gonna lie.

Suggestion Edited


Added “PLA”

Added Relevant “PLA” Photo to “Images”


The Netherlands and Belgium both also had this vehicle in service, although theirs got replaced by the M109 (The Belgian ones were M109A4BE). (Keep in mind that both the Belgians and the Dutch had nucleair rounds as well for this system.):

Dutch ones:


Belgian ones:



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The M110 howitzer was rather widely used. 21 different armies have used it, and of those 10 still do (including Taiwan).

The other in-game nations that could get it are USA, Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, France (via BeNeLux subtree) and Israel.

Though presumably Gaijin would need to add external ammo boxes, since it only has on-board stowage for 2 rounds.

What about Chuch’e p’o?

I doubt we’re seeing any huge SPH vehicles like those, but they’re so interesting.

Oh, if you spot the difference, it’s because the first one is the latest modification and the second is the earliest.

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Going to be really funny seeing these things coming around the corner with a gigantic muzzle brake and barrel on some maps…

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Ammunition: 2

That’s gonna be… interesting… XD
+1 though!

maybe also for US tt

Doesn’t look like it would fit well in the game. The howitzer and/or artillery pieces in game, for the most part, have turrets and half decent depression. Until we get some kind of long range fire artillery mechanic, I would say leave these large barrel artillery out of the game.

I would love to see it in the future if they can implement it though. Had a lot of fun with pieces like these in my WoT days. My statement is purely based on how it would fit game wise.

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For the ammo issue, some tanks are already in game that cannot carry a lot of ammo IRL like the big gun version of the chi ha, possibly a compromise similar to that can be done to make it playable.


look like livepower not good
i will approve but not love it
become if your aim to other tank ahead of you shot
your will die of machine gun in your enemy

we need it!!!