@sartt , the “spall liner” you guys are talking about is not actually for catching spall its to keep the composite armor together, and while it can act as a spall liner, its not designed to be a spall liner
Switching to Russian tanks after this update.
That’s exactly the point, glad you caught on. There is no reliable info outside of the forums about it
It was intended, it was mentioned somewhere that they modelled the horizontal drive mechanism this way on purpose, as shown by Smin1080p_WT, the actual damage model are two separated halos.
but with spalling involved it’s still going to be damaged literally anywhere you shoot as if the damage model was fully copying the visual one
The M60A3 TTS has Spall Liners. The MBT 70 Had spall liners, the Bradleys have Spall Liners, the M113s even have spall liners, the Strykers have spall Liners, the A-10 and the AH-64D is Lined with Kevlar to absorb H.E Concussive force Impacts.
Anyone whos ever actually done critical searching of Kevlar and integrated Kevlar into vehicles would know this. I’ve talked with Abrams Crew member and i know someone who worked for General Dynamics Land Systems. He even knows the Abrams does in fact have Kevlar, and that the Abrams started being upgraded with Deplete Uranium armor in their hulls and turrets in the 1980s.
What people don’t get is it’s not the burden of proof, it’s the burden of what gaijin thinks is right, which is always incredibly flawed and it’s not something to hide behind
No???i have countless battles on most of the Abrams variants,and i don’t recall a time in which getting shot on the front part of the side resulted in the complete inability to turn the turret.
Had a match earlier on Red Desert,a 3BM60 hit me on the side where the fuel tanks are located,nk angle whatsoever.
The shell passed through both fuel tanks, created A LOT of spall (despite passing through a fuel tank and an armored plate,both existing to minimise spall),killed my driver and a single piece of shrapnel hit the turret basket,turning it instantly black and setting me on fire (since the turret drive is linked to the Hydraulic Pump DM). Oh and a second shrapnel instakilled my gunner and destroyed the FCS.
So a single 3BM60 shot towards the driver killed half my crew,ruptured both fuel tanks,set me on fire,made me unable to rotate the turret and disabled my stab. Before this update said shot would’ve only killed half my crew, that’s it.
This new feature is extremely lacklusting and,once it will be added to every Top Tier tank,it will ruin the experience even more
bradely yes
(US) mbt-70, no
m60a3 , no
m113, no (it had a double layered aluminum side armor iirc
ah-64, no it has seat armor that uses kevlar and is basically just a seat made of a bullet-resistant vest
obviously you aren’t aware of composites, so I would recommend that you read up on that, also guess what kevlar isn’t bullet proof, its not even bullet resistant unless its layered with more kevlar and other materials.
Wikipedia is not a trusted source
oh that was just so he could get a basic understanding of what a composite is, its not a source
i mean gaijin has been wrong about nato vehicles for years, they dont care, and the ygo out of their way to give russian players handicaps. They’ve outright made up lies like saying M829A3 can penetrate Russian ERA like Relikt LOL They still haven’t fixed M735, and just about every single U.S Round in this game are not using D.U parameters, but tungsten the M829A2 Round is so weak its comical
the M829A2 Entire penetrator is 782mm long ., but somehow only pens about 630 is mm in this game. a D.U Projectile magically loses over 152mm of penetration. No one questions it.
Plot twist:they never will
They accepted a false report so that they could artificially nerf every vehicle that used it, since M735 is an early dart and therefore dominated the field no matter the vehicle which was using it.
M60A3 TTS Has kevlar in it. The national guard upgraded it from the M60A3
Not the original m113s
the MBT 70 was literally design with the intent of having spall liners, even other people on these forums know this.
The A-10 does have Kevlar in places and incorporated, just like the A-10 is designed with Honeycombed andthe AH-64D does have kevlar in its seats, and other places on the helicopters skin to absorb and minimized damage. Oh yeah i almost forgot the Bradley should also have a titanium roof.
people like him first thing to do is link wiki-pedia, or link A.I and they don’t even read their own sources.
you mean the upgraded m60a3 tts that isn’t in-game
that’s a composite buddy it offers basically no protection outside of small arms fire getting stopped because its basically spaced armor
kevlar by itself is not bullet-resistant and will only slow a round
dude, that wasn’t a source; I put that there for you to read. I already knew this stuff because I have worked with it, also fun fact kevlar is very hard to cut in a straight line without a specially designed pair of scissors
working with it, where. You can work with kevlar anywhere.
They did though???