M1 and leopard 2 turret baskets

Why is no one bringing that up lol? How does damaging a turret basket affect the horizontal drive? It’s not like these vehicles weren’t already getting their horizontal drives broken from a slight sneeze, now they will break from just a look. Why would they change this? If you’re going to make turret baskets a horizontal drive’s component, then change it for all tanks, not just m1 and leopard 2


Now, if the Abrams tank driver is hit from the side and a shrapnel hits the turret baskets, the turret will stop moving


ummmm dude they already covered this last week


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“penalizes players who hit the center of mass area where there is nothing to damage, even though they did everything right and landed a shot in this area.”

you mean this? then why dont they model the t-series autoloader? i feel penalized when i hit center mass and nothing happens…


Lol they did, but for some reason hitting turret basket from Abrams breaks it

It’s great that the game strives to be realistic, but there are things that will harm the game more than they help, such as the tower basket or adding a quantity of fuel to the tanks and so on. Although these things are real, they would be bad if they were added to the game.

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they did and it has basically no impact on the abrams since it basically had the turret ring break if you got hit anywhere

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Ok but hit driver from the side will stop the turret baskets is not good at all

It continues to be a hot topic even now. It’s on multiple forum posts as well, there are many that have problems with implementation, lack of full implementation, and what was chosen/not chosen to be used as accuracy and feedback.


happened before the update

For the same reason few people are complaining about the autoloaders being modeled.
It’s more of a realism positive than a negative.

There’s an argument to make that repairing the horizontal traverse should be faster than it currently is.

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so if it allready happened why did they had the basket and gave that reasoning

not from the side bro if you hit any tank from side in the driver why the turret baskets from shrapnel will stop

oh yeah the abrams is just like that for some reason, heck you get shot in the engine and you will lose you turret ring 50% of the time, makes no sense but it happens.
I can count on one hand the times I have been shot and damaged internally without losing the turret ring.

pretty sure the leopard 2 doesn’t have that issue though


by that logic the autoloader itself is kind of a turret basket since it rotates and also a place where the crew sits, but i wouldn’t trust gaijin with making autoloader and horizontal drive the same module, chances are they will break all the modules in T series tanks trying to do that


spall liners i guess, leopards are way more survivable than bebrams and have always been, i heard that bebrams also had spall liners, but they weren’t something standard issue i guess, that’s why gaijin’s elusive all knowing source doesnt acknowledge it

oh yea that thread was bs, actually. abrams have never had officially authorized spall liners.

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no ones brining it up because its a waste of time, the devs don’t care what we say or tell them.


the Abrams has spall liners. No seriously why you all keep typing this is stupid.

Ding ding ding. Correct.