M1 Abrams should receive a better round than M774

you have only 7 battles with t80bvm and 86% wr
you only played leopard 2a6 and judging by your stats in vehicles you played it before t80bvm was added.

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Which is irrelevant.

it isnt, leo2a6 was good before it was dominated by t80bvm thats why some people can have inflated WR with it

T-80BVM never dominated Leopard 2A6.
T-80BVM is a sidegrade to T-80U: Far less armor for a better round and T-72B3’s turret traverse.
Which T-72B3 has the most armor of the three, 3BM60, and the turret traverse being easily as good as T-80BVM.

So as I said, your point is irrelevant.

t80bvm has superior armor to t80u with its fake era

Not at all, just like a lot of my high tier vehicles, I play them quite consistently across every patch.
If I had to estimate, around 90% of my matches in the Leopard 2A6 are played during the period where the T-80BVM was added.

So AlvisWisla having a 60% winrate in his T-80BVM proves Russian Bias.
But me having 60%+ winrates in the M1A1, Leopard 2A5, Leopard 2A6 and IPM1 suddenly doesn’t count?

find me a person with 100 battles and small WR in t80bvm

T-80BVM does not have superior armor, its turret armor is seen at 10.3 on T-80B.
And the fact you think NATO are liars about its ERA…
More lol.

relikt era gives it superior armor and NATO always overestimates russian technology, and russians always underestimate western

And you would not bring these specific examples up unless you somehow though that it was still relevant? It be like saying that the fact that M18s are impacted by Hullbreak was a bad thing, even though it has been preceded by Overpressure in its entirety.

Have any sources to back that up, at all? or relevant technical documentation that I’ve somehow managed to overlook. Even with the lie above that doesn’t actually address the issue presented.

I’d much rather have things be accurately implemented where documentation exists, and has been presented. Than have some compulsion to look good for strangers on the internet.


Just a few months ago the entirety of Russian top-tier was at a negative winrate, that means thousands of people were running a winrate below 50%.


I could also ask you the same thing regarding the Strv 122, that series of vehicles have consistently maintained higher winrates and for longer periods of time than the T-80BVM has.

Furthermore, you said:

You claimed Russian Bias exists, yet here you imply that Russia was getting stomped prior to the T-80BVM being implemented.
So Russian Bias exists, but only during specific periods of time and at very specific Battle Rating ranges?

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I’m not interested in conversation with you, fake relikt stats ka50/ka52/su25sm3 and pantsir are enough to prove russian bias

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‘‘I have no valid counterarguments to what you just said.’’ is what I’m reading here.

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you have no arguments

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If it’s fake how come I can see videos and pictures of it functioning and exploding in non-descript locations in a various region of the globe?

It’s not magic. As much as I don’t like it, it’s the intentional design of the relikt blocks to stop KE rounds. The numbers they use may be inflated, but they are so the numbers the manufacturer gives. When the US stops being secret about its stuff, we can use those numbers too. But unfortunately a lot of stuff is being pushed into the “classified” zone, where we either don’t know or can’t publish what we do know. Russia is not very good at keeping things Classified. The US is. Simple as.

I struggle way more with Leos than T-series. Unfortunately for the Leo crew spacing and placement are very advantageous unlike in the T-series tanks. Unless you are talking about the Leo 1s in which case, why.

Yes they are too tanky. However thanks to the twin rotor design technically they don’t need a tail to fly straight.

I cannot argue with this. But I think overall on WT Data Project the 11.7 Ruskis perform worse than 11.7 Germans.

Again, I’m not saying Russia isn’t strong. It is, and much stronger than the US I would argue. But what you are saying is blatantly false or uneducated, which leads to problems overall.


kamov twin rotor design doesnt allow it to be fully operational irl like it does in WT
not to mention the electronics in tail snap point that would make it basically unuseable and at best allow pilot to land safely, not to continue fighting and doing 360 rolls

leopard a7 has almost no crew spacing? they are very tight in the turret and even if you dont one shot it it wont be able to retaliate and you have time to reload and kill it

I would love to hear your opinion on crew spacing in the BVM then.

But it does allow it to keep flying and steady. Which is all you need in WT to get kills. Because none of the stuff is modelled, on ANY Heli (not exclusive to the Kas, you know).

Assuming you both A. Aren’t side on B. Penetrate and C. Knock out both gunner and commander. You’d be surprised how much that doesn’t happen. Plus, taking an extra shot is an extra shot. I’d rather have the one-shot kill of the T-90 from pretty much anywhere then need to take 2-3 shots to kill the 2A7.

it wouldnt fly steady if it was modelled correctly
and you most likely wont one shot a t90 because your shot will somehow end up on its era or get blocked by putinium driver/fuel tank or just pass through ammo without detonating it

No helicopter is modelled correctly. You can have this if every other Heli gets remodelled, which is an inherent nerf to all of them.

I haven’t had this happen to me in a while. Especially at top tier. Unless you are aiming at an already wild angle or hit something like a fuel tank (which also absorbs shots on every other tank) then it doesn’t happen often enough for it to be any less consistent then any other tank at the BR.

If you have proof of these, submit them to Gaijin as a bug report. And don’t pretend like Russia has no more rounds to add. I can think of 3BM42-2, 3BM48 and 3BM59 are three examples of rounds more powerful than 3BM60 that aren’t in the game yet.

But even if NATO had vastly superior ammunition to Russia IRL (which, admittedly is probably true), under what justification should it be added to War Thunder? (IE, what tanks should get it, and why?)

The Leopard 2s (and 122s) are already the best tanks at top tier by far.

The Abrams has the best firepower in the game, because it has the 2nd best round in game, as well as a 5 second reload.

The Challenger 3 and Ariete, while weak, don’t underperform because of their firepower.

In fact, the only countries that struggle with firepower at top tier are the Russians and Chinese (longest reloads and worst rounds).

Are you saying the best tanks in game should be further buffed? I’m sure if the shoe was on the other foot, if that happened, you’d be crying “rUSsIAn BIaS”.