M1 Abrams should receive a better round than M774

So your point is team skill is what causes win rates and not the tank itself.
M1A2 is a superior tank to T-80BVM, that’s obvious to everyone that isn’t Russian or loves Russia.

Also other vehicles that match BVM’s win rate on my profile:
Leopard 2PL, Bishma TWMP, Challenger 2, Challenger Mk3, M1A1 HC, M60 AMBT, ZTZ96A.

Guess you think Challenger Mk3 is as “OP” as T-80BVM.
Just cause my teams are bad doesn’t mean a tank is bad.

all of those vehicles arent 11.7, stop manipulating lol
I’m showing the state of russian bias playing on 11.7
EVERYONE has 60% wr on t80bvm, its straight up proof of russia having a much better lineup than any other country at 11.7

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There is no Russian bias.
It’s a myth made up by Russians to make themselves feel better about their mid vehicles.


So when are they fixing Stingers? Oh wait…


1- This is about Abrams.
2- Stingers are currently better than Igla by far.
2a- You proved no Russian bias by bringing up an American missile that’s better than Soviet equivalent.

The claim about Russian Bias was never siloed to some specific set of examples, and the claim of not existing is very broad and so easily disprovable statement, due to that fact.

If you needed one though compare how much they have resisted implementing any sort of improvement to the hull NERA array, and compare that to the planned IRST & HMD on the Yak-141, or various limited run / prototype Thermals being present on Whatever T-80 configuration that is relevant.

Ok? That doesn’t make them properly implemented.

So can you explain the following erroneous performance? Stingers don’t seem to be doing all to well.

Let alone the already linked explanation of the oversights made in the MANPADS Article? or their use of Soviets sources and flawed assumptions that with all of 10 minutes of looking were dispelled.


Obligatory Igla Moment

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You brought up Yak-141 thus your entire post is null and void.
“Yak-141 was introduced with the same exact rules as Kikka and Ho-229.” doesn’t prove anything other than Gaijin has been consistent with those rules for 12 years.

Again, Stinger isn’t Russian, so it can’t be used as proof.
Glad you agree with me that Stinger is currently incorrect though.

HESH and HEAT are receiving their own overpressure mechanics next patch.
You’ll be able to overpressure T-80BVM’s by hitting their turret fronts as well.

Also, personally I wouldn’t be so open about complaining about T-80BVM’s whilst using the (shared) best tank in the entire game, it’s a bit embarrassing.

Feel free to try that with me.

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You’re going to explain how right?
Established precedent would dictate that things don’t get planned features if they existed, I don’t know if you know this by the Yak-141 did actually take flight and was tested so isn’t covered under paper designs, its closer to a prototype like the M247.

I know, so why is its performance in game based of Russian sources as per the Devblog, then. Not actual documents

With a single-channel relay control of a rolling airframe missile, to create a control force in any direction of flight, the rudders are moved by the servomotor mechanism from one outermost position to another four times per revolution of the missile’s rotation. This rudder control scheme makes it possible to regulate the resulting overload and therefore ensure proportional guidance of the missile.


Source: “Техническая подготовка командира взвода ПЗРК 9К38 “Игла””, И. Акулов, В. Байдаков, А. Васильев, 2011.


Its about the seeming arbitrary double standard, that is quite easily observed in a few explicit instances.


Read entire posts before responding.

Cause you would know that 1: Yak-141 was not introduced in 2012 as you imply [it’d have to be added before Kikka and Ho-229 to “start” the precedent that Kikka and Ho-229 actually started.]
And 2: Kikka and Ho-229 introduced these rules, not Yak-141.

So you’re either posting lies, or genuinely believe Yak-141 was introduced to the game in 2012.
Neither makes you look good.

you have only 7 battles with t80bvm and 86% wr
you only played leopard 2a6 and judging by your stats in vehicles you played it before t80bvm was added.

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Which is irrelevant.

it isnt, leo2a6 was good before it was dominated by t80bvm thats why some people can have inflated WR with it

T-80BVM never dominated Leopard 2A6.
T-80BVM is a sidegrade to T-80U: Far less armor for a better round and T-72B3’s turret traverse.
Which T-72B3 has the most armor of the three, 3BM60, and the turret traverse being easily as good as T-80BVM.

So as I said, your point is irrelevant.

t80bvm has superior armor to t80u with its fake era

Not at all, just like a lot of my high tier vehicles, I play them quite consistently across every patch.
If I had to estimate, around 90% of my matches in the Leopard 2A6 are played during the period where the T-80BVM was added.

So AlvisWisla having a 60% winrate in his T-80BVM proves Russian Bias.
But me having 60%+ winrates in the M1A1, Leopard 2A5, Leopard 2A6 and IPM1 suddenly doesn’t count?

find me a person with 100 battles and small WR in t80bvm

T-80BVM does not have superior armor, its turret armor is seen at 10.3 on T-80B.
And the fact you think NATO are liars about its ERA…
More lol.

relikt era gives it superior armor and NATO always overestimates russian technology, and russians always underestimate western