Lynx AH MK 1 Wrong BR/Missing Ballistic computer

Hello again, so the title of the topic is fairly self explanatory in the British tech tree there is a small selection of helicopters that up until the first Lynx all play the same and are fairly boring but the issue here arises when you get to the Lynx, it’s you’re first proper helicopter with countermeasures dumb fire rockets hellfire’s and all the fancy bells and whistle’s however for a helicopter placed at 10.7 there is no ballistic computer i myself don’t know why i haven’t looked into it in game or in real life to see if it did or did not have this feature but, it is a big issue as recently Britain got a super hind… which has all the bells and whistle’s and more yet its BR is 10.3 for some reason? i haven’t gotten a chance to use the super hind yet as I’m still researching it but the fact its at a lower BR but is undisputedly a better helicopter in almost everyway to the Lynx AH Mk 1 is rather baffling.

in my opinion a quick and easy fix for this is either reduce the BR as facing 10-11BR AA and AI is just not fair you get massively out ranged you have almost no self defence (at least stock) and just in general having the Lynx AH MK1 at a higher BR then the new super hind is just wrong.

but i just wanted to get this out there as no one has said anything about it from what i can see and also I’m curious how other people would fix the current issue with this helicopter

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The Lynx is indeed better than the Superhind firing AGM-114s.

it might be under normal circumstances but i think missing its ballistic computer, having a stationary gun pod. and all that it currently does have in the game its barely keeping up the only redeeming factory is the hellfire’s but it takes INSANE amount of grinding in order to unlock anything on a helo.

and then when u pair that with ur grinding options being RB or AI heli battles both of which are a struggle for this thing due to the BR rating you wont be getting those hellfire’s for days

You think or you know with proof?

The pilot uses a reflector sight, for fixed forward-firing weapons

Reflector sights are just an illuminated reticle, rather than a video display like a HUD. So don’t have dynamic elements like CCIP

To be honest, the AH.1 in game has a lot of things it shouldn’t have. The real one was a lot more rudimentary. Gaijin have given it a lot of features that were introduced for later models like Lynx 3, Battlefield Lynx, and Lynx AH.7

well i know it doesn’t have a ballistic computer in game but i am unsure weather irl it had one or not like i said

whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? just give it what it had then place it at a BR thats good for it rather then putting it where it does not belong at all

I think because they wanted to sell a parallel G-LYNX premium that demonstrated lot of stuff the in-service Lynx AH.1 never had, but not model an AH.7 or Lynx 3, and not have the premium at a massively higher BR than the tech tree one.

IRL Lynx didn’t get an RWR until the AH.1GT in 1991, which was basically an AH.7 without composite rotors, and DIRCM. And didn’t get countermeasure dispensers until the AH.7 got them after 2003. The TOW sight Gaijin modelled isn’t the Thermal Imaging one, which appeared on some AH.1s but wasn’t standard until the AH.7.
So if we took away that lot, the Hellfires, Stingers (or Mistrals IRL) and Hydras (actually FZ rockets IRL) that were demonstrated for Lynx 3 and Battlefield Lynx: It’d probably be 9.3 at most

when upgraded the lynx has the loadout of an 11.0 heli at 10.7 and is actually better than helis like the z-9 and ah-1w that are actually 11.0, sure being stock sucks but thats the case for every heli and when upgraded its almost op for its br.