Luft 46 in War Thunder

No reason why we shouldn’t have some of these Luftwaffe 1946 aircraft since the Russian Su-9/Su-11 prototypes exist in the game.


If those german prototypes flew, then they should be added.


its complicated with me p.1101 as the amercians copied it after the war and flew it called the bell x5

“Inspired” and “copied” are two different things.

It was not a copy.

Absolutely yes. We need odd vehicles with perhaps unorthodox gameplay. As long as it has any Basis in history and was not made up by a player or Dev (looking at you, WoT), it should be fair game imho.

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Then call it based on stolen technology.

You can google for vids from from Dr Lippisch regarding aerodynamics - interesting and desired results from Operation Paperclip. Same as the the design of the MiG 15 (with a British engine) which looks very “inspired” by the Ta-183 and introduced boundary layer fences - copied from German research.
Or the F-86 “inspired” by German high speed research (swept wings) with small wing fences.

  • To make this clear: German engineers were no super-humans - the hell of unfinished projects with sometimes extremely unorthodox designs were just the result of (almost) unlimited funding of science by the Nazi leadership. If you hire / force a lot of smart guys to produce outstanding results and spend a hell of money - you get outstanding results - everywhere on this planet.

  • Just by looking at this whole debate it looks like that a lot of guys simply forgot that we have already a pure fictional game play in the WW 2 era (besides useless minor nations like Sweden or China which either have not participated or got most of their aircraft after the war).

  • The main problem of the guys enjoying German props (i am not) is that the BR setting policy of gaijn is designed to create a balance which never existed - the adjusting of BRs to player performance increases actual performance gaps of props to their disadvantages - whilst the Germans tried to play the jet card. So by putting the Me 262 to 7.0 the German prop pilots face usually aircraft with superior performance thx to 115/130/150 octane fuel whilst allied props are mostly save to get clapped by 262s. This makes sense from a more holistic pov - but it explains also the countless requests to flatten this imbalance.

  • Especially the USSR and the US excel in having planes at WW 2 BRs which never saw combat in WW 2, were introduced after V-J Day or were pure post-war designs - so from a holistic pov it doesn’t matter if for some aircraft there was a flying prototype in place or if it was just a paper plane.

  • I always loved stuff like the Ju 287 with forward swept wings and a fuselage actually considering the area rule from a technological pov - arguing that gaijin rejects the idea of adding Luft 46 planes reminds me that the same company promised to keep supersonics out of the game in 2018.

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It was indeed just a modified COPY of the Messerschmitt P.1101.
The modifications were the following:
-The ability to change the sweep of the wings during flight
-New Engine (Allison J-35)
-Slight airframe modifications
-A “Redesigned” canopy.

The airframe is almost the exact same as the P.1101
But please don’t bring the Me P.1101 into a “Luft46” discussion, this aircraft is very much real, no speculation is needed to know what it would have been like, since it existed.

If you want a Luft46 “P.1101” here you go:

That’s the P.1106.

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Yes America bad. We know. America steals everything. Very bad country.

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Imho you have to distinguish between US governments and their citizens. The idea of being the land of the free was always an inspiration for a hell of people on earth. Therefore i strongly disagree with your rather sarcastic reflection of the US.

The idea behind the founding the US is that governments have to serve their citizens (and not the other way around) whilst minimizing the risk of becoming a totalitarian state with checks & balances - and by granting Freedom of Speech & Expression whilst reducing the necessary loss of certain individual rights as price for living in an organized society to a minimum.

Unfortunately this message got lost (at least for foreign policies) in the 1930s (some argue in 1917) - and was replaced by a new doctrine which can be summarized by spreading freedom by superior fire power - imho against the clear will of the majority of US citizens which simply want to wanted to live in peace - like everybody else.

Back to topic:

Even considering the sarcasm in your reply you might agree that my post was not a conspiracy theory - if you call it “copied”, “stolen” or “inspired by” - it is more or less semantic discussion - the end result is always the same.

No one cares about your stupid anti-Americanism.

“Back to topic.”

For use when you meet an internet "expert" - Imgflip

Being ignorant to facts and feeling the need to post nonsense looks like your main strengths - you received a polite post and replied with “no one cares” - so you actually do care. What is it? (rhetorical question)

Use your energy to acquire some communication skills and actual knowledge of aviation history before you feel the need to spread fact-free opinions.

Welcome to my ignore list!

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“Back to topic.”

I mean, notice how he competely flew over my argumentation lol

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