Lower leopard 2a4 in the battle rating

What? 9.3 wasn’t affected by recent uptiers for decompression sake because the decompression was targetting 8.7-9.3

I am aware of what you’re saying but its still decompression.

Or just keep adding more to the top.

You said they previously were.

Yet again, the only proper way to decompress is adding enough BR’s to make it viable.

What? You are massively confused. They did not adjust NINE POINT THREE BATTLE RATINGS when they UPTIERED vehicles at 9.7+ to DECOMPRESS 9.3. The GOAL was to decompress 9.3.

Yes but when brs are added to the top they’re still going to have to decompress the lower br’s by moving things up

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I didn’t say 9.3 ever…

Yes; I that’s the point I’m trying to make.

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Ok? Do you have a point to make in this thread then?

Just gonna add my two cents.

While the 10.7 tanks now meet allmost allways uptiers to 11.3. I do not believe they should be lowered. Instead new ammunition should be implemented. DM33/43 for the 2A4, M833/900 for the Abramses. From my experience tanks with DM23 (120) or M774 equivalents got hit the hardest. But… even worse then that. Non-russian tanks now get to be sh*t on by Ka-50s, Mig27Ks, Su-39s etc. and my god do i not face like 3-5 KA-50s every match now.

10.3 went from enjoyable to outright dogwater. Also i still face hundreds of T80UDs, 2S38s and BMP2s with my 9.3 lineup. So not much has changed.


So you want to buff already really strong 10.7 MBTs ?

It’s not even about a buff it’s about these shells being used two to three years into the production of these vehicles (m833 and dm33)

But buffing already really strong vehicles for the sake of “historical accuracy” isn’t something I would like to see.
Balance > everything else.

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You forgot one of, if not the best high BR gun based light tanks / SPAA’s that’s also a premium at 10.3 and didn’t go up.

Absolutely not a balance issue either because (in the case of m833) it would still be a sub 400mm pen round and dm33 would warrant the longer reload of the 120mm. all nations except France and US get a 400+ mm pen round for their MBTs by 9.0/9.3

Too much hassle to “fix” a non-issue.

No. It’s more than adequate where it is. You’re forgetting that everything above it moved up by an equal amount so nothing has changed.

lmfao, if you’re being " exterminated" in your spawn in arcade, thats a major skill issue.

It’s not a non-issue they’re using the wrong shells

Before that update I got into 10.3 BR maps 80% of battles while I was just 9.3. 60%+ of the 10.3 BR tanks were the leo 2a4 tanks. Just the way I got used to play against up tiers, now you should.

Both tanks used rounds that are assigned to them in the game, so they’re not the wrong shells.
They perform just fine with current rounds, nothing really has to change.