Lower Italian navy BR to a proper level

Sadly they don’t take in consideration the fire-rate of the guns. That’s why also Bartolomeo Colleoni is at 5.0 instead of 4.7.

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I am 100% agree with you on this part…

FYI in my opinion, only Attilio, Trento, Eugenio, Duca Degli & Zara (Including Pola) cruisers suits its current BR while other need 0.3 drop at very least in term of overall capability

TO add, RN Etna should be 4.3 due to not having torpedo and only inferior 20mm Breda AA gun and its secondary gun only useful on big, slow plane that flies under 1km & ships that literally have NO armor at all… Just so you guys think

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I think Montecuccoli also suits its br. It’s almost the same as Eugenio, but it has 4 km/h more of top speed at the expense of 10-20 mm of armor and slighty smaller crew.

In my opinion, having minor less armor and crew at 5.3 for Italian is quite fatal even for decently experienced naval captains unless on highly skilled player who managed to soak full 12" APHE salvo shell hit and not sank in 1st 5 minute battle…

In short, IT IS DECENT 5.3 to fight 5.0 & lower BR but that ship is at the lowest level for average 5.3-6.0 battle which basically capable to sink this kind of ship with 3-5 salvo at most…
(((At least based on my experience so far))) ((((NO OFFENSE OK))))

Even i can barely managed to outlive such hit about 3 salvo at best, not to mention most of them that almost sank in minutes, just to know…

TO add 1 more thing on my part, I can only comment on Cruiser part as I don’t even have 1 Dreadnought aside from Graf Spee SO i can’t even comment on Italian Dreadnought part for quite a long time…

IF anyone know better and don’t mind sharing some with simplified explanation, then feel free to do so…

FYI… it would be good to see Italian 10" gun dreadnought San Georgio in both design and Pisa got added as Ikoma version for Italian navy someday

I think the armour is enough. It’s better than german, british and most japanese light cruisers when it comes to armour.

IMHO the Rank IV CL RN Raimondo Montecuccoli and RN Eugenio di Savoia should be in RB a BR of 5.3. They are 5.3 in AB, so should also be in RB.

It was an extreme grind to spade those, and was often 1 shot.

Interestingly the RN Trento is a Rank IV CA is BR 5.0 and 5.3 and is balanced.

Zara class is good, but other CA’s are over BR in RB

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I used them mostly in AB, and I can say that they’re some of my favourite 5.3 vessels. Very good armour, decent guns and excellent mobility. In my experience, I didn’t get 1 shot often.

The others are all CLs aren´t they? The only other CA Trento is placed apropriate on br 5.3

Probably what he meant tbh. Though italy has some cruisers they could add like bolzano and san giorgio zara and trento are the only ca in game.

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Yes, they are CL’s with the BR higher (5.7) than the CA (Trento 5.3)

IF Gaijin adds Trento’s initial armament that have poor AA firepower but more anti-ship firepower by having 2 more twin 100mm gun then it can sit at 5.3 with current game mechanics

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yeahhhh I remember being shushed when I complained they added the better aa version.

I am Regia Marina main and i have to say… I have no problem with italian cruisers. Eugenio, Montecuccolli, Trento and now Abruzzi are very good ships on their BRs. Pola and Zara… I dont know, compare to other cruisers, i feel weak but still… good ships.

But i have big problem with italians DDs. They are very bad… And every game, i feel useless… Why? because i am almost every game as low tier and … what can you do against USS, SSSR or GB destroyers? They are strong but italians? Meh…

On the other side… Italians DDs from WW2 era were weak. That is right… :(


Welcome! The Ialian dd struggle due to doctrine and lack of funds for dual purpose guns. The doctrine was we can’t fight the French and (not expected but) the English with destroyer packs. The med is too small and they can sortie cruisers to attack. They gave torpedo boats to do convoy escort and ended up using the old dd and cruisers for the purpose. Against the French this would have worked probably. The new destroyers like Soldati were mainly a scouting and screening force. They were later forced into the convoy escort roll where they did poorly. The Capitani Romani class were really the answer to the same role the other big nations used their dds for. They were considered cruisers in the same way the p40 was a “heavy” tank. They were swiftly reclassed once the esploratori (light vessels which operate alone or in packs in open oceans cough like fletcher class cough) classes were proven an outdated concept. In game Gaijin does what Gaijin wants the reload rates on kerch are an example of that. Anyone who wants some good reading check out “the Italian navy in ww2” by Sadkovich. The italian engineers like Bergamini (helped design the rangefinders and battery computers) and Minisini (who made the 100mm dual mounts) were awesome as well. (the allies kidnapped Minisini with the author of james bond to fix the faulty us torpedo pistol and brought him to newport news.)


Thank you for all these informations. :) I will try find that book (PDF) on internet. Could be good book for me!

italian DDs are quite bad… but once you’ll discover the Light Cruisers… you’ll fall in love.

Monster armous for CL, 8rpm guns, very good AA, excellent ballistics, fast as f&"£… Aosta especially has monster armour, very low silhouette… so fast, I have a K/D og 5 to 1…

It’s a secret few knows thank God :)

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italian cruisers are very very good… especially the later CLs.

a. - CL Aosta has monster armour (double armour… check well), and excellent guns overall, good ROF, good AA, fast as a Maserati… Very low on water, hard to hit. Good turret rotation speeds. 6 torpedoes. Very good angles of fire for main guns. Excellent gun ballistics.
a1. - CL Montecuccoli is an Aosta with a little bit less armour but 2 more torpedoes. Very good ship. VERY low silhouette, very hard to hit too. Excellent gun ballistics.

b. - CL Abruzzi has almost 140mm of armour (!)… extremely well protected; when angled it’s a monster, more armour than Aosta, but same RPM overall (10x152mm at 6 RPM compared to 8x152mm at 8 RPM). Fast , good AA, turret rotation fast, nimble and low on water. Very good angles of fire for main guns. Excellent gun ballistics.

c. - CA Zara is…meh… never found too good to be honest. Very good armour though at around 150mm belt armour. Guns RPM is slow, sluggish… not nimble, quite tall. Not torpedoes, AA meh. Very good angle of fire for main guns. Excellent gun ballistics.

d. - CA Trento is veeeeery good instead for some reasons while on paper it should be worse than Zara. 16xtorpedoes (fixed positions yet effective for area saturation), very very fast rotation of turrets, though… very slow guns RPM, not good AA, but very very fast and nimble. Armour is decent for belt, quite good for turrets (100mm and more). Good angle of fire for main weapons. Excellent gun ballistics.

e. CL Colleoni is bad… 4 rpm for their 152mm guns is TOO slow. Bad AA, but super fast. Very weak armour. Never liked it. More than excellent gun ballistics.

f. - CL Attilio Regolo I love the Regolo - it is amazing, 12 torpedoes, decent 135mm guns (7,5 ROF is ok) which have good dispersion, 40 knots of speed, very good AA with their 37mm, super fast and agile in maneuvering, NO armour at all though…Just don’t get hit. It’s a super DD. Decent ballistic of guns.

g. - CL Etna is decent but very slow. Excellent AA, bad position of guns (2x135mm front and 4x135 back but good angle of fire), well armoured in the belt, not in the turrets. 65mm AA guns wreck anything with their super fast firing rate at less than 5km of range. A DD destroyer in close combat battles / Not that good in open sea battles. It’s solid. Decent ballistic of guns.

The jewels though are Montecuccoli, Aosta and Abruzzi

Absolute monster of CLs - Have insane K/D with them. (7-1 KD with Aosta and Abruzzi)

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forgot to say… italian BBs are ALL very very solid too. Not the greatest of armour, but lots of guns, decently rapid fire guns (ROF of 2.1 RPM isn’t that bad for 320mm) , solid AA, and good ballistic.
Add to that decent-to-nice turret rotation speeds (especially for Duilio and Cavour). Decently fast as well.Andrea Doria sports 13 x 305mm guns…

Good ships overall.

Summerizing the line, it’s like this…

DDs = Bad to Quite bad (mainly for their ROF though, the rest is ok. 120mm ballistic is…strange)
CLs = starting OK (apart from Colleoni), becoming Excellent
CAs = Decent
BBs = Good

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