Lower Italian navy BR to a proper level


Since the introduction of Italian Navy into the game and played it so far, i found out that almost all ship with some exception actually being placed a bit higher than its actual capability in battle BUT i won’t go that far into details SO i’ll mark those ship current BR vs its supposed BR

RN Dardo BR 3.7 (current) > BR 3.3 ((supposed)) because its only light AA defense improved on par with decent most 3.3 DD with decent AA firepower

RN Comandante Margottini BR 4.0 (current) > BR 3.7 ((supposed)) because its 135mm gun are not effective enough either because Gaijin didn’t fix it OR its gun ARE that weak instead IRL, which makes it deadly AA destroyer for low-rank match

RN Aviere BR 4.0 (current) > BR 3.7 ((supposed)) due to its only improved AA firepower on par with most 3.7 DD with decent AA firepower

RN Corraziere & RN Geniere BR 4.3 (current) > BR 4.0 because its only 1 extra gun advantage while Geniere has 2 more twin AA gun

RN Da Verazzano BR 4.3 (current) > BR 4.0 ((supposed)) because its gun mount can only fire 2 gun forward while making broadside about 15degree allows 2nd gun to fire and roughly 45degree allows all 3 gun to aim at nearby enemies

RN Etna BR 4.7 (current) > BR 4.3 ((supposed)) because its slow, only 1 twin guns can fire forward and not having either rocket/torpedo PLUS its AA are not the 37mm Breda autocannon in decent number

There are more to mention BUT i’ll continue next time for another ship and its gonna be Bluewater Fleet part except Dreadnought coz i don’t unlock it YET…

Coastal Ship would be on another time AFTER i’m done with Bluewater Fleet part

FYI… French Navy would be on the last part after i’m done with


Although this post is correct in its analyses, I believe that Gaijin will never change its way of determining the Battle Rating (BR) of vehicles. The issue with the Italian tech tree is related to its small player population, which consists of experienced players capable of achieving decent results. As a result, the current algorithm considers the BRs adequate. Furthermore, the BRs are determined individually for each vessel, not based on classes, which leads to peculiar situations like the Kerch at 5.3 (5.0 in arcade) while the Eugenio di Savoia is at 5.7 (5.3 in arcade), even though they belong to the same class.

The algorithm has assessed that Russian Kerch players are less successful than their Italian Eugenio di Savoia counterparts, despite the Kerch having better anti-aircraft and torpedo capabilities, making it a superior ship in practice. Overtiering issues are also prevalent in the Japanese tech tree, especially when it comes to light cruisers. To be honest, I don’t think this matter will ever be resolved. The only thing we can do is perform poorly with Italian ships and hope the algorithm responds.


Margottini cannot be 3.7. The primaries are below average but secondaries can shred multiple costal vessels one after another.

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That is true if players using Margottini DD in low-rank battle which pits against BR 3.7-4.3 ship at best…

The reason why i suggest Margottini DD at 3.7 is due to its shell dispersion rate are quite high which means less accurate over long range YET even on close range, it still can’t hit accurately except that its twin mount gun have better accuracy SO its quite relevant PLUS Italian torp are not enough to deal lethal damage against most bluewater ships…

UNLESS Gaijin fix its dispersion shell and improve it somehow, playing it against BR 3.7-4.0 ship would be it’s full limit because it can barely tank 4inch SAP shell damage level…

YET against weaker 4.3 ships, it can only offer decent support firepower at best MUCH less deter decent BR 3.3 plane that can carry 500KG bomb…

I was thinking to mention Japanese Navy as well BUT it would be later days… Til i’m done with Italian Navy part…

I also agree with you about that part BUT i can’t help it since its been overtiered on almost e.t.c, not to mention oncoming French Navy in full package some day…

IF this part is NOT IRONED OUT properly when French Navy finally got added, it would be French Navy’s turn next to get easy killed IF Gaijin follows its historical capability IRL…

PLUS some ship hasn’t been added YET like French Mogador &/or its sister, Volta to fill the basic part of decent 4.7-5.0 rank 3 tree part AND then some other that IDK yet…

FYI. I won’t mention cruiser and above YET since its CLOSED BETA TEST not completed YET…

I think the dispersion of the 135mm of the Margottini is one of the best one in the game, if you check the shell camera they basically hit a really narrow spot. The issues with those cannons are the rate of fire, 7.5 rounds per minute and the shell damage, this because the damage calculation prioritize the explosive filler and the 32kg shells of the 135mm have a small explosive charge.

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Noted… Only RN Attilio Regolo and Etna’s twin mount gun would have such great dispersion while i dont have access/unlock RN Dullio’s which has 135mm triple mount gun SO i can only say that as far as i know…

Not to mention, they don’t have HEVT-type shell or anything similar and their gun can’t turn that fast or have decent RPM… Hence why i said about 0.3 BR lower so far

Don’t bring up kerches magically faster firing 100/47mm🤬

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I believe that it could be either Gaijin’s fav coz its USSR bias OR USSR secretly upgrades its reloading mechanism which improves its RoF somehow…

In comparison, French Navy have bit slower RoF than Italian but compensates it with its bigger guns which pretty close to German 150mm gun capabilities… As far as i tested it though

After playing through most of the DD lines for the US, UK, France, and Italy, the Italian destroyers do feel uniquely overmatched.

The US has excellent guns, good protection, and bad torpedoes.

The UK has smaller guns, but they’re still quick, and their torpedoes aren’t bad. Protection is okay.

The French are kind of middling with their guns, amd the protection isn’t good but the ships are fast and the torpedoes are pretty good.

The Italians have… ? Their guns are bad, they reload slow, they don’t feel accurate, and their poorly protected. Their torpedoes are not good. Even their turret traverse is slow, and the ships aren’t spectacular as vessels in any real way.

I also want to touch on AA and it dragging ships up to a higher BR when Gaijin rates them. This is an incredibly flawed rating choice IMO.

95%, or more, of every match in WT is built around ship to ship combat. A lot of the AA suites, between similar classes of ships, don’t make a significant impact on even the aerial defense of that ship. To make maters worse, the loss of a main gun can make that ship actually worse than its predecessors in normal combat, making an uprating BR significantly more debilitating.

Italians focused a lot more on either end of the dd situation. They did produce destroyers but their needs were different. They knew they were going to be out numbered in a closed sea so destroyer sorties against france and england was unlikely to obtain results. They focused on cruisers and smaller non-treaty limited “torpedo boats” which coupled with the old destroyers could provide close escort while the battlefleet fleet would in theory engage the attackers. the modern destroyers were there to cover the battlefleet which is why you rarely saw soldati in the early war going out alone in packs. The italian sub fleet was more or less supposed to do the raiding job and had despite what people would tell you relatively modern subs with snorkels. The tactics failed them with being assigned to grid squares/ being assigned to cold Atlantic waters (they intended the big boats for the indian ocean) for which they were not designed however.

TLDR: the cruisers are great

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It deals enough damage, when you switch to AP shells. 1.4kg of TNT is a lot for an AP shell. I believe the Margottini should stay at 4.0, while I agree with all the other br changes.
I would also like to highlight another reason why Da Verazzano sits too high in BR - the top speed. 52 km/h is painfully slow.

About that… It seems that Gaijin make it quite weak compared to 120mm APHE shell used on Italian DD… I’ve test it many times on both Comandante & Attilio cruiser which doesnt make much sense…

Relating to that, I’ve use comandante 135mm APHE shell on enemy Battle-class which is among the easiest ammoracked by any guns larger than 102mm SAP/AP shell YET Italian 135mm APHE shell have minimal effect compared to 120mm APHE so far

I had to fire a full salvo of 8 shell to even cause small explosion at least to a rare good ammorack chance while Italian 120mm APHE shell only need a salvo of 4 shell to almost easily cause small explosion…

WHAT THE HECK is this weird setting these days…

It’s quite weird. The 120 mm APHE also deals poor damage, when we compare it to the 152 mm APHE, which has only 800 g of TNT, 500 less than it.

The 135mm shells are a mystery to me, they have the most disappointing damage even though on paper they are actually good.

Agreed… SO i was quite disappointed for such things to happen in game

And then they complain that it’s the least played nation…
Maybe if they started listening to player feedback, and not putting almost every single italian vehicle at a BR too high than it should be, it would be more played and profitable. The Leone, an early 20s destroyer was BR 4.7 when it got added!!! It’s ridiculous. Da Verrazzano, Leone, Tigre, Geniere and their premium counterparts should all be 4.0. Dardo should be 3.3, as it isn’t any better than Turbine and Aquila. Aviere should be 3.7.


RN Leone & Tigre is inferior to HMS Mohawk but it still a tough 4.3 DD while Geniere (premium) are capable of deterring even 4.7 ship & plane with its 3" gun despite only having anti-sub torpedo instead as its gun are US-made that gives BR 4.3 place properly…

Other than these mentioned IS supposed to be downtiered to 4.0 & 3.7 respectively BUT some of it are not bad to be placed currently…

Based on your comment earlier, if Leone, Tigre & premium Geniere dropped its BR to 4.0 level, it would basically kill any ship weaker than 4.0 itself on other navy hence its not gonna be a fair fight for newbies that struggles from the bottom to reserve DD level for quite long time…

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Leone and Tigre aren’t tough 4.3. They have a fragile hull, being a 20s design, bad AA, very small crew and only 4 torpedoes. Their mobility isn’t that great either. They could be 4.3 if the crew count was at least 250 and the AA was much better.
I meant Corazziere, and the Italian Geniere. The American Geniere is fine.

I agree with you about it BUT the comment and point that i mentioned IS kinda part of why Gaijin keep it at its BR…

Here’s why, other than mentioned part, they have 4 twin 120mm gun mount which 2 of it can aimed at 30degree and all 4 on 45-50degree angle + its gun have APHE with 1.16kg TNT unlike Britain’s SAP that yields 900gm TNT…

I guess that to them, as long as the ship’s main guns firepower and capability took precedent overall… 1.16kg TNT APHE to me AT least is basically almost as good as 2.4kg TNT SAP shell in term of penetration or related part