Low effort gap fillers for the top of the UK ground tech tree

Great suggestions. Would happily take all 3


Huge fan of all of these, especially the Stormer AD, and all CTA systems are close to my heart. Would love 'em.


I’ve updated the tags on this to include ground vehicles and ground forces as it was alittle hard to find without it.


thanks bud

Warrior 2 would be great, offers an effective option with a fair br, and the same turret means the implementation of Ajax at a later date can be made easier.


We really need these vehicles, as they’ll fill major gaps which exist within the tree. I hope we are able to drum up enough support so that the devs can consider these, as they are easy to add and will make a big difference for the UK ground forces

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Seems like the Warrior CSP just got passed to the devs


I just saw!! This list is awesome! Thank you


This is a good first step. I know that there tend to be more people interested in what gets passed than simply what is suggested, so ideally this shows people that there are readily available options for the British tree’s deficiencies.


Hence it being put forward, as right now the brits are gagging for anything that will work when they are in a literal ocean of options


something Colerend posted on the discord the other day which is relevent


All three seem like much needed additions

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The brits are gagging for any light tanks, the Stormer 30 would be an immediate improvement over what they currently have and both parts of it are presently in game.

Rediscovered an old thread on the SPF about the GE Blazer turret the Stormer AD used, which could also be used on some American vehicles, making it an even easier addition as the model can be transplanted across various vehicles.


once you go down the export hole, its a never ending story ;)

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Aye, especially if it has anything to do with CVR(T)s ;)

The good thing is that hey often use the same chassis and weapon systems, so once Gaijin models one, they can mix and match

Until a decision is made, any chance they can buff the handling of the Bosvark, seeing it’s supposed to be one of the vehicles you have to use to conduct SPAA duties up to 8.3?

The turn radius and power/torque is awful. I got hung up a rock on a slight incline and it took me a good 2 minutes to get free, even though it’s 6x6. It’s long wheel base coupled with a horrible turning radius, made in almost impossible to move off the rock as I was limited to extremely small increments to leverage it against the ground trying to get traction.

It’s impossible to use within urban areas as it’ can’t turn around unless it’s a large area and the reverse speed is awful.

true it feels like they put low effort into their british tanks at higher br

Much approved!

Since the Fox is in game, perhaps we may be able to extend the list with this: