I just wanted to leave positive feedback regarding the latest changes in Naval.
Adding more bots kinda made the game more fun to me.
Wait times are lower, great, but there are also more targets, and you arent always sure if you are firing on another player or some bot. People get more kills, and have more fun, and its still PvP game, but its more about who can better snipe bots or stop enemy players from doing so. It is still competitive and engaging.
in higher BR the maps are still a bit too small, and you do get swarmed by fire from all the bots the moment you spawn. But I think is is a genuine move in the right direction.
I’d like to see a constant PVE mode like heli has. I think it’d be kinda fun to do and always have the bigger map for when I can’t play on the weekends
Much of the mode now feels like sub 3.3 gameplay yet for RB seems like I’m getting more full matches (sub 5.0), Of course the changes are with some flaws especially the AI aimbot of AA which will be worse depending on what you go up against especially aircraft.
Around the 4.0 region will suck for aircraft due to late war destroyers/destroyers escorts littered with LAA like late war Type 1936A or Buckley class, also 4.0 is the Small Anti-Submarine Ship Project 1331M with the AK-630 or the Restigouche class DDE with a stock HE-VT shell both of which will make the Sentry Ship Project 159 look below average in regards to instantly downing aircraft.
I don’t have a problem with players using these ships but AI? OOF flying nowadays hah hah & the player won’t get rewards like before if firing at an aircraft.