Loading Screen Tip About Aircraft Protection Analysis


When playing ground battles, it’s rather self-evident to inspect the armour tab and thus discover the “Protection Analysis” function - you’re playing an armoured vehicle, you want to know what your armour looks like.

However, the protection analysis tab has far greater utility than just seeing what kind of shots you can and cannot survive. It allows you to inspect how your ammunition functions, which is quite useful when picking which belt to use for your aircraft.

It’s quite a common experience to unlock a new belt, pick “Air targets” or “Universal” with aircraft and then be confused at all the “hits” you get and lack of fires.

Thus, I believe it would significantly improve new player experience for flying aircraft to create a new loading screen tip that goes as follows:

"When unlocking new ammunition belts, make sure to check Protection Analysis under the “Armour” tab of your stat card to see what your new rounds do! "

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a simple and easy addition, that’ll generally improve player QoL, I like it