Limited ARH for F-15

F-15 has domestic weaponry when it also gets access to AIM-9Ms, I guess we should remove 9Ls on the F-16AJ as well and give it AAM-3s, oh yeah and Chinese J-11A getting R-77s when there are pictures of it carrying PL-12s which are its domestic missiles but here we are, do you have a Japan hate boner?


Don’t forget the Israeli F-15 is also getting AIM-120s despite it being compatible with the Derby on the wings yet it wasn’t given its Derbys or more AIM-120s on the wings


The Su-27 still has a disgusting FM


it’s probaly going to be the ‘‘balance’’ for su27

you are wrong, F15J can only carry AAM4. The first JASDF jet can carry AIM120 is F35A. Before F15A, Japan only equippend with Japanese made ARH missiles

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There is a literal image in this thread of a F-15J equipped with an AIM120 . . .


So Su-27 is going to intentionally have a bad flight model according to you… okay buddy.

Hate to break it to you but there’s a picture I sent previously of a F-15 with AIM-120, and you are the one who is wrong, up to 8 AIM-120s in F-15Js and F-15DJs have tested have been tested. They have also been spotted with LAU-128 rails paired with the LAU-114 such as the F-15DJ pic below, the test wing website also confirms the tests of AIM-120s and Japan also had them in inventory by 2014 already


My source for the above


I guess you can’t read it literally said" AIM-120の母機適合性確認試験


Are you actively arguing against me while using text that proves my point? If you are failing to convey your message clearly, just abandon the argument or clarify your point without being an active hypocrite.

As for your text in Japanese, you are stating that the F-15J is compatible with AIM-120s as of March 2001, which is still before the production of the Su-27SM production. Therefore, your point of the F-15J not being able to receive the AIM-120 is void.


It appears you are the one who cannot read or see with all the respect. In Japanese that is saying AIM-120 mothership compatibility test confirmation. 2001 in Month of March.

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Su-27 FM is worse in almost every way compared to F-15, especially in RB

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US mains are incredibly delusional about flight models while flying one of the best airframes at 12.3 at the moment in the game


Give it HMD and access to 4x SARHs that are on par with the R-27ER then it’ll move up


I originally did not intend to delve deeply into this issue, but anyone who has studied the JASDF’s F-15 upgrade plans knows that, in the early 21st century, the F-15J did not have the capability to launch AIM-120 missiles. In fact, the JASDF’s F-15J only gained the capability to launch ARH missiles in the first decade of the 2010s. Carrying AIM-120s was merely to test missile compatibility and did not mean they had the capability to launch AIM-120s. Japan did indeed procure AIM-120Bs for reference during the development of the AAM-4, but these AIM-120Bs never entered operational service with combat units.

In Japanese it said “Test for confirming the compatibility of the AIM-120 with the aircraft”
However, the Air Development and Test Wing was only conducting missile carriage tests at that time,The ability of an aircraft to carry a certain missile does not mean it can launch it. At least in the early 21st century, the F-15J did not have the capability to launch AIM-120 missiles. In the early 21st century, it was impossible for the F-15J to have the capability to launch ARH missiles. In fact, the JASDF only gained the capability to launch ARH missiles after completing the second phase of the F-15J MSIP upgrades in the 2010s. If the JASDF had the capability to launch AIM-120s in the early 21st century, then why would there be a need for the F-15J MSIP II upgrades? Proving your point is simple: find any photo of a JASDF aircraft carrying AIM-120s that is not from the Air Development and Test Wing tests. While today the JASDF’s F-15 pylons are compatible with the AIM-120, operational squadrons have never carried AIM-120s, only AAM-4s, AAM-5s, AAM-3s, and AIM-7s.

I am quite curious about your logic. What direct relationship is there between the production of the Su-27SM and the F-15J’s ability to launch ARH missiles?

I like how the forum Gestapo derail this. The F-15 will of course not get the equivalent load. That would put it on the same level as the Russian aircraft. Instead we’ll just give it 4 because we need some way to let the Russian jet look better on paper.

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If you are really interested in the JASDF’s process of developing the AAM-4 and F15J upgrade, I can explain why the JASDF did not procure the AIM-120 on a large scale and instead chose the AAM-4, which is also where the test photo you mentioned came from. The AIM-120 was first ordered for production in 1986. However, during testing, when mounted on the fuselage pylons originally designed for the AIM-7 on the F-15, there were failures. It was later discovered that the overflow from the intake caused vibrations. While these vibrations didn’t affect the AIM-7, they would damage the AIM-120, necessitating internal design modifications. This issue made Japan, which was using the F-15J, cautious about introducing the AIM-120 initially. Another reason was that the USAF needed to mount the AIM-120 on the wingtip of the F-16, but Japan’s F-4EJ and F-15J didn’t have this requirement. Therefore, Japan decided to develop its own ARH missile using the body of the Sparrow, which became the AAM-4. The advantage of using a larger missile body in the AAM-4 was also significant, as it provided a longer range compared to early AIM-120s, and the AAM-4 could use a larger radar seeker head.

After the development of the AAM-4 was completed, the production of the F-15J ended in early 2002. This was followed by the F-15J/DJ MSIP upgrade program, which included the capability to launch the AAM-4. However, there was another issue: the F-2 could not lower its cost, with the projected procurement unit price of 6 billion yen overshooting to 10 billion yen, just slightly lower than the F-15J’s 12 billion yen. This led the JASDF to stop F-2 production earlier than planned, ultimately cutting the production by 40 aircraft. The original plan was to replace the F-4EJ with the F-2, but this gap could not be filled, leading to the subsequent F-X program.

The F-X program was originally planned to start in 2004, with a decision in 2006, obtaining one or two aircraft for testing in 2007, and then starting official purchases from 2008 onwards. However, Japan’s top choice was the F-22, which was more expensive than either the F-15J or the F-2. Even after cutting the F-2 program, the budget was still insufficient. So what could be done? Thus, the first batch of the F-15J MSIP program became the target for significant budget adjustments. Originally, 16 aircraft were to be upgraded first, but this was reduced to eight. After the 2005 fiscal year budget, the program was even entirely suspended. After the 2005 fiscal year budget, the F-15J upgrade program was entirely suspended. Typically, it takes two years after the budget allocation for the modified aircraft to return to service, which meant that after 2007, there would be no F-15Js capable of carrying the AAM-4. At that time, no one knew when the AAM-4 upgrades would be completed.

When it was confirmed in 2007 that the F-X program schedule would be delayed, the 2008/09 budgets, to avoid being forfeited, were redirected back into the second batch of the F-15J MSIP. As a result, instead of upgrading only 20 aircraft per year, they ended up upgrading 38 aircraft in one year and 40 aircraft in the other, almost doubling the initial numbers.

As for the AAM-4 missile, it was also affected by the delay in the program. Since it was confirmed in the 2005 fiscal year that there would be no urgency to equip aircraft with the missile, there was no rush to begin mass production. Development continued instead. The few F-15Js capable of carrying the missile were used in joint exercises with the U.S. military. The results at least confirmed that the AAM-4 had a longer range than the U.S. AIM-120 (because the missile was heavier and had larger propellant grains). However, without aircraft capable of carrying it, mass production would have been wasteful. Therefore, the AAM-4-1 project was initiated. However, with the delays in the F-X program and the sudden acceleration of the F-15J MSIP, the AAM-4 upgrades were still in progress. Ultimately, it wasn’t until around 2011 that the JASDF had approximately two operational squadrons of F-15Js capable of launching the AAM-4.

The F-2 prioritized anti-ship capabilities, so initially, it only needed to carry the AIM-7. The plan to equip it with the AAM4 missile was slower from the start, so the F-2’s upgrade to ARH launch capability was slower than that of the F-15J.

As for the plan to purchase AIM-120s, it was mentioned as well. However, regardless of whether the F-X used the F-22 or F-35, they both required AIM-120s for compatibility. Therefore, to streamline the process, it was decided to bundle them together. This led to the JASDF starting large-scale purchases of AIM-120 only when they planned to procure F-35A/Bs on a large scale.