Limit spaa ap ammo

spaa shoud be able to only bring very limited ammount of ap ammo, same as otomatic has limited apfsds, every spaa shoud have it with ap ammo. its nonsensical that a self propelled ANTI AIR can bring full ammo of armour piercing ammo and go on rampage

Prove that the anti-air can’t carry it IRL.


if thats the only reason for them to be able to then otomatic shoud be able to carry full apfsds but it dosent, why?

Cause the OTOMATIC has 2 feeding trays, and one allows for longer ammunition such as APFSDS while the other doesn’t.

And ammo is stored as one entire entity in-game currently so ALL ammo storage is limited by its IRL first stage.

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It doesn’t, they just haven’t implemented the historical number of 38 (or more) rounds yet. It’s an acknowledged bug report.

For some of the SPAA, the removal of AP/APDS is warranted imo, though. For example (for some it would balance the SPAA, and for others it would actually make them viable as SPAA):

  • Falcon
  • Gepard-likes (Gepard, Chieftain Marksman, Type 87, PGZ09, AMX-30 S DCA)
  • M53/59
  • ZSU-57-2-likes (ZSU-57-2, WZ305)
  • Phong Khong T-34
  • Leopard 40/70
  • SIDAM 25
  • AMX-13 DCA 50
  • L-62 ANTI II
  • Lvkv 42
  • VEAK 40
  • ItPsV Leopard
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ok, if you can use whatever the viehicle can use then just let jets carry nukes as regular ordinance and we can call it a day
if you say they need points for that, then increase spaa cost when it uses ap ammo, same as plane cost increases when you use stronger ordinance on it

Not true.

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gepard likes are already very strong spaa compared to something like a shilka, and on top of that is a mbt shreder

Imo radar SPAA should start appearing at like 7.0/7.3, so the M163 and its current 7.7 brethren would move to 7.0/7.3 and the Shilka and other 8.0s would move to 7.3/7.7

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They’re fine currently. Being totally defenseless against any ground vehicles wouldn’t be fun or balanced for SPAA players.


more reasons for SPAA players to actually do their job instead of playing tank destroyer would be welcome


The last Lvkv 42 main dying after this lmao

Seriously though, this will only make people play them far, far less. The Zsu’s are honestly shit at AA work (Minus the WZ305), and if you remove their AP ammo they become completely defenseless.

SPAA have to be useful against both tanks and aircraft because aircraft do not always exist. Aircraft are also fairly hard to hit with SPAA (Especially stuff like the 40mm’s), and many of these have fairly low ammo capacity.

Give them the tools to be useful against both air and ground (Short-range lead vs aircraft they have scouted, full APDS belts where possible, HE-VT for those that could use it), and balance is attained.

True, spawn costs may need to go up a bit, but that is fine.


don’t argue with Alvis, its like talking to a brick wall but atleast bricks have personality


The SPAA that can bring APDS/FSDS are already limited to loading 40/60 rounds. Less for some others like the OTO.

Those that can use APHE are generally using APHE that has roughly 70mm of pen. The only exception that I can think of to those rule is the ZSU-57-2 family and the 2S38 because Gaijin decided to redesignate it to a LT with no downsides.

APHE isn’t limited but it doesn’t need to be, frankly. It often doesn’t have enough own to be genuinely dangerous in a straight fight. Hell, lot of Russian vehicles in general are still immune even side-on to the APHE and APDS from SPAA, so it’s a moot point for them.

They should be lowered in BR to where they could actually act as SPAA and could still knock out light vehicles, somewhere around 5.0 maybe?

That’s why the SPAA I listed should have their APDS/HVAP removed, so that they can function better as SPAA as they aren’t going against as fast/maneuverable planes.

I know lol, I’ve already argued with him about the OTOMATIC and I was just reminding him of the fact that what he said isn’t true and that the OTOMATIC’s limit is not based on any sort of logical precedent.

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laughthing at 2S38 *kekw