Light tanks need to be nerfed into the ground

You’re telling him to cripple his ability to spot targets easily.


Exactly, the implication of every light vehicle going up 1.0 br is just so stupendously absurd. To name a few bad cases:
The Stuart becomes 3.0/2.7
The T.50 becomes 3.7
The Crusader II becomes 3.7
The Ratel 20 becomes 7.7
The M24 becomes 4.7
The BT.7M becomes 3.0
For certain light vehicles the +1.0 br isn’t horrible as their armament remains effective, however many light vehicles do not possess particularly good armament for their own B.R, putting them 1.0 br higher would make them completly pointless as vehicles (especially in an uptier). This is also ignoring the fact that some light vehicles are just… not that fast.
(Also 1 shotting with a cannon above 50mm is just… hilarious as an idea).


Something something skill issue.


bro sucks lmao

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