Lets talk about the state of Germany

noice, but the 700mm will need to be actualy documented somewhere, they wont take that as a prove, they dont like hand made or comparison measurements

Ye, but at least that’s a step forward. We now know the way it defeats ERA, and we know that it’s supposed to also be longer.

It’s only a matter of time at this point.

Also superimposed the penetrator over a DM63 (it’s not 100% to scale tho, so treat it more like a visual representation);

no those values are chosen by gajin for balancing, they are aware of the real weight, but the dmg numbers so to say is just one part they use to balance vehicles

Pretty sure thats not true. They claimed over and over again that the wheight stated by Rheinmetall was the wheight of the projectile with the sabot even tho multiple people already gave them evidence to the contrary

They insist that the weight of the penetrator is only 100g, when in reality its supposed to be more.

Old forum report on PMC287 weight

Because Gaijin knows more about the projectile than Rheinmetall does :^)

Correct. We’ve dugged up 3 different primary sources all mentioning a weight range of ~170g for the penetrator alone, and recently I’ve got my hands on an x-ray image of the tungsten rod itself, measured it, and then calculated its weight, got 169g.

That was later reported directly to Smin by @MythicPi if I remember correctly.

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idk if i ever brought that up directly to Smin, I did directly bug report the LFP via PM’s with Smin which was appended to another WO according to him, I also provided updated info about the UFP array.

For those wondering why I bug reported the LFP via DM’s to Smin, the new bug report platform is poorly laid out for bug reports discussing a high number of visual proof, which was the case for the LFP, so I had to ask and got approval to bug report via DM’s on the old forum.


For those interested. Here’s the x-ray of PMC287.


since then new sources were provided with specific reports about the penetrator weight. It is part of the multiple internal Puma reports that exist

The penetrator is totally the same weight as the much smaller and lighter sabot.

Here’s the measurements:

Here’s the weight:


Still waiting(hoping) that theyre doing a full rework of it and thats why its taking so long to fix.

Most logical assumption and reason as to why the Puma S1 is still missing imo. Particularly since last i had talked to smin about it, all the bug reports remained open and/or had been merged into other reports discussing similar issues with portions of the vehicle.

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found the picture of the list they gave us, this list was given us by one of the moderators about the current internal reports

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ditto , that and better give us the Puma VJTF , the Puma S1 realy never made it as far as i am aware , they directly jumped to the upgraded version, i think it gets the mg4 as secondary internal weapon as well

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i dont get how they still havent fixed these, its been about a year and a half now. The weight of the penetrator should just be a simple value change, no?

It took them around 3 years to fix the weight of CV9040s APFSDS weight, so uhhh.

like i said the Penetrator is balancing, everything else requries heavy remodelling of the vehicle

Keep in mind some of those reports (at least from the explanation I got) contain other reports mixed into them. I assume my report regarding the LFP got mixed in with the “Missing 50mm anti-mine plate” one

Also, that list is from Smin, it was a convo between us when I asked what was the state of the Puma bug reports, for those who want some extra confirmation about the validity

Incorrect. This isn’t about balancing, this is them being lazy.

tbf, a full reowork of a vehicle like is basicly needed here is not something they fix overnight. Id prefer if they trickle fed us the fixes, but seeing as im assuming theyre reworking the whole thing for the addition of the S1, this kinda makes sense too.