Lets talk about the state of Germany

welcome back Leopard 2 Low Profile turret. i knew your death was over exaggerated

(last bit is a meme)


Best part about this? It’s entirely German. No input from the French and thus we won’t have to share it like the EMBT :D

Hull is obviously based on the Leopard 2A7s, the turret is the already seen before RCT 120 after some modifications and the armour is modular (in this case it uses ERA from EODH, but it could be using 2A7V/8s passive add-on armour as well).


Do you have any pictures of the passive addon armor available to the 2A7?

This & what you already see on the 2A7V in-game.

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Alright, thanks

So it really was just the addon beak at the front of the 2A7V that you were talking about? I at first throught it was about the side composite addons that could apparently be applied to it

It’s for sold, right?

Export and potentially a first step towards the 2Ax

Will it be in Germany?

You mean in Germany as in the nation irl or as in the tree in game?

This looks absolutely beautiful

dunno yet, i will ask at this years Eurosatory

I want that tank. Alot utility. 30mm RCWS, missile launcher, main gun, Trophy, crewless turret.

Should be added with the next patch :)

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woah there, slow down, first we need estimated protection specs. i shall ask Eurosatory

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Ingame for sure.

It uses the same system as the rct 120 turret that one gets advertised with Lahat missles as well.
So the new leo gets barrel launched missles

I think eventually we will see it in the German tree, but I think it will be years before we see it in game. There is just too little info about it.

Like dotEXCEL said, you first need protection specs, if you manage to get something like that you also have to pray Gaijin accepts that information.


Well, according to this forum “clientele” yes and you should suffer for over a year, because suffering in WT is apparently a thing. This became an ordinary state of affairs in WT. Apparently, it wasn’t enough that GJ, for whatever reason, pushed it, but now players embraced that MO as well…go figure…