Lets talk about the state of Germany

So if gaijin adds it, it won’t get any nvd’s at all bc they’ll choose an early prototype, got it

At worst it will come with first gen thermal optic, but hopefully it will come with third gen.

Nah the devblog states “high resolution thermal imagers” so its getting the same optics as the 2A7V.

Think of it as a 2A7V but with even worse armor and firepower, and as a premium

It looks super sexy tho


Gaijin about to make some bank from this one boys
Screenshot (120)

Tho now i’m curious about the 2A6 CAN

Hopefully TT but it’ll probably be event maybe

Has the doomposting season started already?

Remember how that negativity turned out last time?


The dev blog clearly states high quality thermal sights will be included, there’s no reason for this victim complex after Germany has been clubbing top-tier for the past months.

Let’s pray it’s not an event vehicle

There are no need this vehicle

Probably will decrease Germany WR in same manners it did with USA’s, if its placed high enough.

11,3-11, 7 i think. Mostly 11,3

Yeah time to say goodbye to the German WR…

I don’t think it’ll be as bad as it was for the US and UK unless there is a new hyped or powercreep MBT added to another nation.

But the winrate will still be a decent bit lower.



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indeed muzzle velocity 1555 m/s nice

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OF course there is… $$$$$$$$$$$$$

DU shells tend to loose their performance and becomes fragile after certain muzzle velocity.

There is a reason why Germany decided to stick with Tungsten Rounds, it allows you to achieve much higher muzzle velocity and can keep its durability at those high speeds.


Its cheaper, easier to make and easier to store and dispose of.
Nothing beats the impact of a DU round the Tungsten penetrator will not superheat the crew compartment of the tank you just penetrated.

The only real advantage DU had was that it is selfsharpening wich today tungsten alloys is also able to.


DU self sharpening is a good features but some countries have started to make tungsten alloys with self sharpening and without the disadvantage of being brittle.

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Thats good to know, thanks :)

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