Lets talk about the state of Germany

Apologies, on page 189 there is a diagram showing impact angle vs armor penetration, measured at a range of 1000m for the API round, which has a peak value of 90mm when impacting at 90 degrees (or atleast, thats how I read it)

Well, it specifies the AP box, which is used for APDS.
It doesn’t specify what AP it is though.

Ok I figured out what I think to be the misunderstanding, In game we have HEI(-T) API(-T) and APDS, which is not the full compliment of NATO 35x228mm cartridges available for employment. From NAMMO, a Norwegian firm that manufacturers 35x228mm ammunition, the penetration observed in game matches that of their SAPHEI rounds. Which actually makes sense given that the current in game “AP” does appear to have some explosive filler when testing in the protection analysis. In which case… the AP ammo from the above source, would be what is in game “APDS” although I can’t find anything with regards to the nature of this AP (full-caliber vs sub-caliber) as from the NATO standardized types available, FAPDS is the only ‘true’ AP ammunition that would be available (5 types of HE, 2 SAPHEI, tracer practice rounds, and 2 types of airburst ammunition being the others that I could find)

tldr: the “API(-T)” in game should be called SAPHEI(-T) and (speculation here) the FAPDS that we wish for might be the APDS, but ham-stringed, bc a full belt of that would require balancing

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That they did, and over half of them had LRF as they rolled off the production line into service, so it seems a bit weird (to me) that the standard Gepard (8.3) doesn’t get it.

the APDS is APDS, also called PMD 049 by Oerlikon

The SAPHEI ingame seems to be not PMD 044, but PSBH/B, which is an earlier round

Oh and lastly the HEI is MSB/K based on its filler weight, but it shouldnt have a tracer


So gaijin is giving us old ammo if I read that right, amazingly not surprised, also if we have the APDS (PMD 049) in Game as our “self defence” ammunition, that means that the round we should theoretically have is the APFSDS-T (PMD-60) as our self defense ammunition instead and the inclusion of the APDS or FAPDS (PMD 049 or PMD 055) if it indeed is intended for AA purposes, within the main ammunition store, as for the HEI, only having 1/4th of the belt as tracers would be a nice reason to use the HEI belt.

Separately, nice work finding this, awesome to read and see.


the old document is from 1968, the new from 1993.

Gepard development started in the 60s and first production variant was delivered in '76.

And from what I could find the FAPDS and APFSDS were only designed around 91, atleast I have another brochure from that date that advertises the “new fin stabilized projectiles” including PMD 060, as well as frangible shells.

1A2 could get FAPDS and maybe darts though


any bets which BR the F-4F ICE will be in SB?

I say 12.7

F-4 Phantom SB BR bullshit - Google Tabellen - Google Chrome 27.05.2024 01_11_27 Uhr

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It’s either gonna be 13.0 in the tech tree or a 12.3 premium. I still wouldn’t be surprised if they go and make Germany’s only Fox 3 platform until the Eurofighter a premium.

Unfortunately knowing gaijin prob won’t even if it came with a BR change, (which I’d live with) but honestly, please give the RADAR and IRST guided IR SAM’s target cuing, immensely frustrating to have a lock but finicky tone stopping launch.

I remember someone mentionning the 1A2’s used FAPDS for their main AA round due to its higher muzzle velocity and similar on hit effect, while also being a safer round to have/handle.

I never dug into it too much but it does make sense to me considering all the advantages, which is why it bugs the heck out of me that we dont even have the option to use FAPDS at all on the Gepard…

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Pls dont remind me, thats one of my biggest pet peaves

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Im assuming gaijin are gonna be idiots and stick it at 12.7 with no fix to MP and no IRIS-T, where it’ll get obliterated by everythibg it faces if the enemy pilots are in any way skilled.

That being said, the vast majority of pilots in WT are utter garbage at the game, and barely better than bots due to gaijins consistent handholding of premium players, and ease of access to top tier via premiums.

Overall, with AIM-9L(i)/L(i)-1’s, the F-4F ICE should be 12.0, 12.3 at the very most if MP isnt fixed. Itll just be an EJ kai with better missiles, and the EJ Kai sits at 11.7, no way in hell 120A/L(i)'s woupd warrant a full 1.0 BR increase if MP remains unchanged.


bUT if ThEY cHaNGe MulTI-pAthINg, hOw WIll I fIgHT aGaiNsT rAdAr mISsIlLEs!!

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also because in the modern battle field, armoured formations leading infantry on the side or rear are pretty much relegated to training an not actual combat.
thus ERA is more useful because there’s no infantry around anyway

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Adding IRST-T, R-73M, AIM-9X, MICA IR, AAM-5B, etc at this stage to any aircraft would be idiotic.

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Weird of you to accuse NATO of being liars.
Hardkill APS isn’t universal on NATO tanks, it’s on select units.

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I’ll take the lack of an actual response as validation that my point has been made.
Or perhaps not, since there is a fixation on only a single aspect of it.

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Sorry, but i just couldn’t help myself


bro u did not just…
leave wojak alone bruh!

cant lie though they do come off as a bit russophobic