Lets talk about the state of Germany

Btw this is one of the worst bug report i ever saw in my life yet it was accepted.

Meanwhile detailed reports about potantiel buffs/fixes getting rejected :)


And what tank would that be ?

Probably BVM, shit is magical

Yea sometimes sideshots are a little bit trolly, lfp is always oneshot though.
Compare that to A7 is just complete copium.


The majority of time you get no spalling on the BVM. The amount of times I’ve hit the drivers port gone all the way through and only killed the driver is obnoxious. Lower plate is no where near a kill every time too the same thing has happened where I’ve gone all the way through and either hit the ammo and it doesn’t blow up or getting no spalling somehow goes through the rounds without hitting them and takes the engine out.

Lower plate is sometimes a oneshot, sometimes a fuel tank that decides it wont be deadly to the crew, and othertimes decides that you didnt deserve to do any damage.

Most T-80s, the T-90s (with emphasis on the T-90M as it has spall liners+strange tendency to not spall) and late T-72s (this one is on the lower end of the no spall BS spectrum, but still spalls really inconsistently). I’m probably missing a few that have this problem of not spalling, but I’ve only done limited testing on the spalling properties of russian tanks.

I was talking about the integretation of those few Dutch mechanized battalions into the Bundeswehr and the Bundeswehr having control over them. Not about procurement of the Dutch army or anything like that because they obviously still decide what to buy themselves

Can you bring this up to community mods? Cause this report is indeed abysmal. Its simply unfair to pass stuff like that.

İt was reported almost two years ago and they decided to implement it right after the introduction of Leo2A7V and Spall Liners.

İts not coincidence, they purposely did this and i dont think any mod will be helpful in this case but if you like to give a shot i can try to reach smin or Gunjob.

Looks like he hit it at a bad angle, instead going for the sprocket wheel. Slapping 2 screenshots and a gamefile on it…that can’t be a valid bug report. Trolly situations like this could have been screenshoted for every tank.

Yet it was enough for Gaijin to implement it.

Meanwhile @FurinaBestArchon did his best to buff Leo2A7V’s armor,acceleration with countless documents yet its rejected.

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Too bad its not swedish. According to Gajin they have better armor on their 30 year old Leopard tanks with less weight and thus more speed.

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Even tho i love both Strv’s and Leo2A7 the treatment German Leo’s recieve from Gaijin is absolutely criminal.

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Also sad that most of the community buys that. Including the Swedes.

This is a place where people believe NATO countries cant actually make proper equipments or vehicles.

Not surprised tbh.

Its not that its still a Leopard tank and the armor modules made by German Deisenroth GmbH…

So take German tech - slap a swedish sounding name on it + produce some components in license → means in WT you get OP stuff. Better than the country all this is originally coming from.


Sometimes I guess Sweden is even a more handhold nation than Russia. So Swedish community started to think they’re indeed something special and sophisticated.

I mean they don’t even question things like this. How it comes that a single, rotten target range tank…

…evolves into this in War Thunder. In their threads they even refer to it it as ‘our’ heavy tank. Wounder where they got ammunition from, after the war ended …

This story is even more hilarious that the Mi-28 chopper, where a russian pilot made a few evaluation flights over Sweden and they got this thing added… With that logic its also obvious why in WT 30 Year old swedish Leopards still beat the most modern German ones …


I mean you also refuse to see that most of the swedish players disagreed with the tiger. Most wanted something that wqs in the game which was the finnish kv-1b, this whole problem is gaijin own personal mess. Like how they refused to read the document that clearly stated the bagel had a 720hp engine over the 600hp. Not to mention that same document had the LWS and apfsds mentioned. Gaijin with their decisions are just some of the most redundant views ive seen. Its pretty clear gaijin is very pick and choose when it comes to stuff. Like the fact that the 2a7V in game is the prototype and should be renamed if they plan on using the swedish trial prototype values. On the topic of the swedish heli premium what do you suggest they add? Ive stated before the t80 wqs dumb and shouldve been a patria model but the heli has essentially nothing. If you have a suggestion do list it. The topic of german vehicles getting treated worse for top tier is very much a noticeable thing that i wont deny when it is pretty apparent and the bug reports ive agreed with have been listed as not a bug or have been listed as acknowledged and placed in perpetual soon™.

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It isn’t? Prototype lacked certain features that are present on production models. The 2A7V we’ve got is the latter.

The problem at hand is that Gaijin is using values of the earlier prototype variant (IVT) that Germany never ever planned on operating since, it was developed further into the Leopard 2 TVM max (which was what Germany planned on operating at first, and what had become the Strv 122 after the trials).

As you said, Gaijin is “very picky” (although in this case I’d say they’re cherry-picking).