Lets talk about the state of Germany

Not sure because of angle etc
Would like to test it ingame …
but to find someone hmm is a different story :D

I think it was called CLARA

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Thats the NERA on the sides, frontal slopes are all Composite/steel with some expanding gel type stuff between


@Smin1080p aren’t those Jane’s magazines?


Sure is, I didn’t think that Jane’s could be used for reports anymore.


Clearly they cant be used to buff Germany, only nerfs


Welcome to “Russia hasn’t figured out neutral steering yet, so everyone gets clutch breaking until they do, the game”, aka War Thunder ground forces.


İsnt that partially wrong? As far as i know some of the Russian vehicles actually has neutral steering although it would benefit Nato mostly.

Its a joke/hyperbole based on the fact that even their most advanced tanks don’t use neutral steering, something that started being fielded in WW2, almost 100 years ago…

They also don’t have any tanks that can reverse properly despite some western nations having modified T-72’s with transmissions that can reverse at a respectable speed, proving it can be done.

I’d be surprised if russia didnt know how to do neutral stearing at all, but the fact its still not a common feature, if at all a feature, of their modern vehicles speaks volumes imo. It also doesnt change the fact that Russia not using it is likely the reason why regenerative steering is never coming to WT, because itd be a hard nerf to all russian vehicles mobility simply due to all nations getting buffed except russia.

Sure wish I didnt have to spend time explaining jokes -_-

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what was in the post that all the ru fanboys flagged it ?XD

I guess we all lose good boy points…

and gaijins hate for germany is just obv at this point
the should just remove germany and be done with it lmao


The Devs reasoning for the nerf in my honest opinion is weak /bull and it truly feels like they cherry pick things to suit them in whatever direction they want to take a vehicle in.

Ok IDR was published by a different company? What makes them anymore valid then Janes ? I can go pickup multiple IDR publications and pull up all the scans I have from my NAS and point out a plethora mistakes they make while Janes gets them correct. Hell IDRs report about the Begleitpanzer 57 has mistakes that you dont find in Janes. For example IDR says that the vehicle shown in meppen in 77 had firing ports and a roof hatch for infantry to fire out of which is false lol
I have pictures of the vehicle in Meppen during the first firing trial of 77 that shows them using the TAM hull which I have posted on the old forums on my original reports.
Clearly IDR was not present during its first showing , I wonder what they based their information on? Their report coincidentally matches the concept documents of the Begleitpanzer 57 with the marder chassis that was originally proposed but was not built . Yet Janes reports that the prototype vehicle was never built on the Marder chassis and they instead used the TAM/VCTP chassis.

If you look at later publications IDR does not cover the Begleitpanzer 57 at all while Janes mentions the vehicle well into the mid 80s through its development . Its pretty easy to see that the incomplete brochure and the source from bofors predate the actual vehicle that was built and cant be fully considered primary sources, the vehicle clearly saw further development/testing well into the mid 80s .The documents from Bofors and the old brochure from Thyssen

are based on the Marder design which wasn’t used/built.
Here is a hint, look at the weight of the vehicle mentioned in the IDR publication and the brochure …they must have had some real good magic back in the 70s -80s .

IDR clearly based their report on the concept version of the Begleitpanzer that was never built using the Marder hull.

Also the HSWL-194 as far as I can tell is fully-compatible with the MB 833 Ka 500 engine , I would have to dig in further into the TAM and the MTU development history to fully confirm . But just because the production vehicles used the HSWL 204 that was later developed for higher output engines does not mean the HSWL-194 was not used on the prototype vehicles.
I need to find the full brochure I have of the TH301 offered by Thyssen which shows it using the 720hp engine with the HSWL-194 transmission .


Only T-series cant.
BMP-3, vehicles based of it, basically most advanced of their light tanks/ifvs can, just take a look at 2S25 having same reverse as forward speed.
Sad that 2S25M has different transmission due to unification.
T-14 can neutral steer, and how much it can reverse is a thing to discuss, however it should have 2 reverse gears.
So does Object 195 and Object 187 (6th) in matters of having neutral steering and multiple reverse gears.

What is important for soviets and russians is unification and ability to domestically produce.
The unification USSR has done can be seen today with for example ukr T-72 with T-55 roadwheels and etc.
Or opposite way with T-72B3M having T-90M roadwheels.
With T-80BVM T-90M and T-72B2 sharing one frontal plate Relikt package.
There has been the attempts you messaged, as well as a french suggestion to use russian engine from same companies who builts Kamazes and french transmission, however russians have never recieved any manual or description on the work, thus refused.
There also have been T-80s, T-90s with hydrostatic transmission, which greatly imrpoved how quicly tank steers and speed, but I dont know about reverse speed.

Also all T series have regenerative steering.

IIRC there is a document from Red Star channle which is this claim that it has 8 gears for both direction and even show a parts of the powerpack that allow the vehicles can do those fancy thing.


T-14 basic info.

I know, there is also evidence powerpack placed even in front can do same speeds as T-14, but however that could be simply swapping something and not actually being able to go forward same as reverse.
There’s is lot of info about that that you cant confirm.
Leopard 2 for reference has 2 reverse gears and 32KMH reverse, so even with two reverse gears its possible to be better than T-80’s.

What do these changes mean in update

Marder A1, Marder A3, DF105, FlaRakPz 1, Begleitpanzer 57, TAM, TAM 2C, TAM 2IP - gear ratios have been changed.

someone knows? nerf or buff? I couldn’t enter the game these days.



Uhhh i was browsing through the old forum looking for the Leopard 2A6EX but i cannot open none of the suggestions. Shouldn’t we make the suggestions again in this new forum?

@FurinaBestArchon made one already, i think he posted it in the thread already

I cant find it. It is not on the list of previously suggested ideas