Lets talk about the state of Germany

and i found you, nice job with doing the maths for the thickness, but this confirms that the PUMA front plate should be similar to that of the merkava in terms of design and general idea

No armour
No lynx
No Puma with spikes or fix


Holy shit this is a massive list!

Also I’d like to add the Bf 109 T-1 and T-2, both 109 X prototypes (radial power, one for export with a US-made radial and the other to test a BMW 801 on a 109 frame), 109 H, and He 112 prototypes with the better Daimler Benz engines - as far as I know there were 4 of them, V7 (early B prototype, DB600Aa and kept the A model longer wings), V8 (A model with DB600Aa), V10 and V11 (both standard B models with DB601Aa). Information on these prototypes is hard to come by though, so this might be inaccurate.

Like the neighbor French TT, the German TT faced big problems, very bad, for three years, only MIG29 barely held up the sky, and the ground forces were really bad!
We only got the extremely junk Leo2 PSO today, general maneuverability, poor hull protection, no D armor, and no high-resolution thermal imaging picture, such Leo is not even qualified for a spare tire in front of the Swedish TT
Now the German TT does not have top-tier light tanks, no MGS, no new PUMA, no Boxer, nothing. Boxer is a vehicle that should be added, it can be converted into a variant of SPAA MGS, but so far there has been no movement, the once big TT has become the current clown, which is simply intolerable!



Puma is already pretty tanky, it can soak up so many shells it’s actually crazy. It also ate BMP-2M’s missile from the sides and barely got a scratch.
With all those changes it should probably be at the same BR as 2M.

Most IFVs have been drastically powercrept.
As I said above, most IFVs should see stuff like 2A4/Abrams at most, anything higher is pretty ridiculous.

I don’t see a problem about Germany not getting the KF41, they manufacture it yes, but they don’t use it… so i’m fine with that. Because of that the TAM and TAM 2C respectively should’t be in the German TT as well. Same goes for the SK-105/JaPz K. and this whole debacle reminds me of the introduction of that very vehicle.
The outcry lead Gaijin to introduce the same vehicle in both the German and the Frensh TT. So even though I don’t agree with this - but this is the reason why Gaijin has no excuse to withold the Lynx from Germany.
That said this whole topic about vehicles added to trees they don’t belong is not limited to Germany. There are many vehicles in the game that should be in different TTs or not there even at all (like this abomination of the last battlepass).
The Mi-28A and T-80U in the Swedish TT should be scratched without replacement. The Aussie M1A1 AIM shouldn be in the British TT. These are just vehicles from the top of my head and there are many more, so the thread shouldn’t be about the state of Germany, rather about the state of any TT as a whole.
With the introduction of Israel where they moved the Peten from the US to the Israeli TT (but still kept it in the US for those who bought it already) they could easily justify to wipe every TT and rebuild it from the ground up, but with common sense and rules that apply for every nation (so no “this vehicle comes to both nations, but this vehicle just in one because “reasons” and this vehicle comes to this TT, even though it should be there, but here it would fletch out this TT”-nonesense). Maybe introduce common TTs like a “European” one to put subtrees like the Finns and Hungarians in.

Well ofc Germany uses it, its beeing built at Rheinmetall plants in Germany. Its trialed there over years, there are probably quite a few KF-41 driving around in Germany on test ranges and on factory yards. There are probably more Lynx’ driving around in Germany than in Hungary and especially far more than in Italy.

(How can you manufacture something without using it ?)

The hungarian Rheinmetall plant for another Lynx production line just opend this mounth I think. Everything currently existing in terms of the Lynx is coming from Germany. The War Thunder Tech Trees are not the tech tree of the armed forces, its the tech tree of the whole nation. How don’t you see that? Have the US Army ever adopted the ADATS? Or the AIM? The Sgt York? Or the british one the Challenger 2E? Black Knight? 2S38? French VT-1 vehicles? Radkampfwagen? Bismarck tank prototype? Canadian Leopard 1? The PSO Leopard2? There are so incedibly many vehicles in WT, which never have been adopted by the armed forces but got added after their tech origin, that I ask myself how ppl can seriously make these kind of posts.

Last but not least: Italy hasn’t adopted it either. Italy doesn’T contribute to its production. So why is fine that it suddenly appears in the italian TT? Just cause someone says all this hungarian stuff goes to Italy? Despite there are no special ties between these two countries?


I agree this problem is not unique to Germany, however, this is not the only problem I’ve stated. There are multiple problems with Germany and the combination is definitely unique to Germany. As I have stated earlier, all in-game equivalents for top tier Air for some reason come later than most other nations. And it is bound to happen again since Germany didn’t receive R-73 this update and is probably going to get it a patch or more later than the Russians which is ridiculous.
Another problem I pointed out which is unique to Germany is that the no other nation waited as long (3 years) to get a single rank 7 ground vehicle or side-grade mbt. The combination in whole is why I made it specifically about Germany.

And by the way, if the KF41 isn’t German, then neither is the Challenger 2E British.




Maybe we should do something at least PSO frontal armor it been too long of waiting and they give other 2A5?


Hmm… I guess I didn’t underline my point very well. So I clarify:
In my opinion national tech trees should consist out of vehicles that were in domestic use. I might add that I’m fine with prototypes that were considered for service for the sake of filling the gaps like the MBT-70/KPz-70 for instance. I don’t agree to add vehicles (not even as premium/event vehics) that were never (I’ll rephrase) fielded by a nation. Italy produced the G.91 and Germany adopted it, therefore it’s justified to have it in the German TT. On the contrary I don’t think it’s justified to have the TAM as Germany never had plans to adopt it. Again, that’s just my opinion.
I didn’t mention it explicitly, but I also disagree with the addition of the Hungarians in the Italian TT. I refered to this by suggesting a European TT, so the Rheinmetal plant in Hungary is irrelevant. Some of the vehicles you mention are those I meant when I wrote they shouldn’t exist in the first place.

And now the point I wanted to intended to say: Gaijin alreay added several vehicles to different tech trees under different pretext. Like the SK-105/JaPz K. as I mentioned. This vehicle in particual is especially interesting because it has nothing to do with Germany at all, but they added it nevertheless. So there is no reason they shouldn’t give the KF41 Germany as well as Italy when they decide to add the Hungarian sub-tree there.

It’s definitely a shame that Gaijin is so sluggish to add vehicles and/or features/weaponry to certain nations, sure. But was I meant to say was that the problem should be tackled at once, or at least nation by nation within a short period of time to streamline the techtrees and not just a single nation.

I didn’t question the nationality of the vehicle, I question the eligibilty to be in a nations TT. In my opinion they should be in which country they were actually fielded, but I explained this in my last post.

Sorry, I must’ve misunderstood what you were saying. A lot of other people in another thread were saying KF41 shouldn’t go to Germany because “It’s not german, it was only built by a german company”, so I initially thought you were one of them, never-mind then.

The pipebomb incident lol


we need hero

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All of us are heroes, it is time that we life up to it, together. UNITED.

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More armored Leopard 2s being added this year.
Already have PUMA & there are KF platform prototype options.
Takes time to develop.


Literally just a 2A5 Sidegrade with a situational dozer, while the additional front armor is being withheld.

Half-baked and incomplete, being denied its Spike missiles.

A brand new Nation gets it first despite the vehicle being built and tested on German Soil. And nobody knows when germany will get theirs. Maybe another 3-4 years from now? With barely half the features of the upcoming KF41?

And don’t get me started about Maus and the 3 others.

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You don’t know that since the more armored Leopard 2s aren’t announced yet.
Await the news for October & December updates.
PUMA without SPIKEs is a legitimate variant.
It doesn’t take 3 years to develop ground vehicles anymore.
Patience, Rich.

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