Lets talk about the state of Germany

How much misinformation…

  1. TAM is built in Argentina, specifically for the needs of this country (2IP and 2C replaced all German optronics with Israeli ones, also in Argentina without German participation this time)
    HF-24 Marut was designed by Kurk Tank in Argentina, financed by Argentina. He then sold his design to India, and it was built by India. We’re not going to say that Marut is Argentine, or much less German, are we?

  2. The Argentine Kurassier was brought to the A2 standard in Argentina, with Israeli technology, like the TAM SXXI. I don’t know what differences there will be with the Austrian.

  3. TH-301 was built in Germany. I repeat, the logical thing was to add only this model.

  4. The Kurassier’s turret is not French, only the design is French but it was modified. The SK is Austrian, except for the cannon, so there is no justification. If we continue with your logic, all Chinese MBTs are Soviet, and all tanks with L7 are British. Merkava is German by MTU.


What? Argentinian MoD contracted GERMAN firm, which built a vehicle ON EXISTING MARDER CHASSIS. I havent said that Argentina havent assembled them at their local plant. If you like more, german company designed a tank for ARG, which was based on chassis of german IFV. Still, it doesnt change my statement, that TAM is justfied for German TT, cause there is obvious techological connection.

Again, obvious technological connection. And yes, Chinese tanks were in soviet TT until Gaijin introduced own Chinese TT. And yes, it was AMX-13-90 turret. Doesnt matter if its was modified or not, it has obvious and clear technological connection to France. So, again, literally half of the tank is made upon french bassis. As Austria havent got its own TT, its justified to be in French TT.

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Burden of proof buddy.

Okay, then post them. You claimed Germany has been receiving the best versions other nation’s vehicles, prove it.

Ohhhh yes, technological connection…

The same connection that the Swiss Hunter has with Germany. The same as the T90S with UK. The same connection of the Czech truck in the Soviet TT. Or the T80 with Sweden. Don’t be ridiculous.

Gaijin would have added the TH-301 to the German TT and TAM as an event vehicle.

SK makes as much sense in the German TT as the TAM. Neither of them belongs there. More than 75% of the vehicle was manufactured and assembled by TAMSE. 25% was German technology (optronics, radio and engine/transmission).

You are confusing assembling foreign technology with technology transfer, which implies acquiring the ability to develop it locally.

Much less TAM 2C or 2IP, which should be in the Israeli TT since only the engine/transmission is German technology.


Ask Gaijin why he added the TAM and not this vehicle.

Kpz TH-301 was designed and manufactured by Germany for Argentina. The Argentine version will have more than 2000 modifications compared to the German version.

Definition of technology transfer according to Robert Grosse:

Technology transfer is the process in which skills, knowledge, technologies, manufacturing methods, manufacturing samples and facilities are transferred between governments or universities and private companies to ensure that scientific and technological advances are accessible to a greater number of users who can further develop and exploit those technologies in new products and create value, processes, applications, materials or services.

Grosse, Robert (1996). “international Technology Transfer in Services”. Journal of International Business Studies 27:782.


Buddy, you literally comparing different things… Okay. Read again.
Argentina ordred GERMAN company to design them a tank. GERMAN company designed tank, using GERMAN DESIGNED AND BUILT IFV CHASSIS. Then Argentina started to produce it on local plant. SO there is clear and obvious technological connection (and the reason to add vehicle to TT). If you dont see technological connection here…


Kpz TH-301


If you learned to read, you will notice the difference…

FFS, so i guess on TAM Argentina started to use different design, different chassis?

No^^ Also mind the engine.

@el_Argentino i will agree with them TAM uses marder ifv that is made in argentina factories under license and the turret engine and transmission are german aswell just produced in argentina, saludos

It is a German design, modified and manufactured in Argentina. Which is different from what you stated at the beginning, saying that the TAM was a tank manufactured in Germany, to justify the fact that Germany should not receive the Lynx. I guess then that by your logic, T90S should go to the Soviet TT, since India is not a nation in WT.

Italy has no connection with Hungary, therefore Italy has less right to receive the Lynx than Germany, which is the designer of the vehicle (following its own logic here).

It is still the Italian TT, so for those of us who play the German TT, it is still unfair. Especially having a broken PUMA for quite some time.

Your logic doesn’t square with Gaijin’s logic.

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The point here is that I hate people who modify the facts simply to make their theories seem founded by trying to impose their point of view (and their interests) behind them.


Its not what i’ve said at all. I have even changed my words to more suitable ones in the next post. So idk what are you talking about.

Well, kinda yes, cause there is no technological connection between T-90S and Britain. Thats why Gaijin stated another reason for this tank being placed into British TT.

And well… Im fully agree with this. That Lynx shouldnt be in Italian tech-tree without it being in German one at least.


i mean it was modified by argentina lately with the help of an israel company but that was kinda late into the project so yeah technically the initial design its completely german but the early and late modifications belong to argentina and israel

I apologize then, sometimes it is difficult to interpret the language. I understood that you supported the Lynx in the Italian TT.

I insist that Kpz TH-301 would have been the best choice.

Ur Name checks out


It seems that we will continue for another three years, until we get something again.

Only now we have two torn bags instead of one. I don’t understand why Gaijin doesn’t copy and paste the puma with spike. That thing is ridiculous in 10.0. The Swedish IFV with a 40mm cannon is much more lethal in the same BR, with almost 200mm of penetration.

Dont forget about the 2s38
And how broken (not broken like overpower broken like it doesnt work) the puma

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i found out with some info that the PUMA has around 170 mm of pen at 10 meters considering it has 120 mm at 1km for the info i could find