Lets talk about the state of Germany

This clown also said that dm53 can penetrate russian bias im just bad at the game.

Definetly russian main whose coping about a recent conflict.

I think it is the mine protection plate addon like the 122plss, but I think the ammo on the chassis still has 1 row more than the 122plss, I am not sure, but I think they removed 1 row of the ammo chassis to make room for the mine protection and give more survival capabilities to the tank (correct me if im wrong)

not like reverse gear is much of an issue when u have the best armor ingame by FAR and the new armor was shown in the devstream to reduce spall from APFSDS so much that you have to direct hit anything for it to kill or damage it…

You can see in this section of the vid, both shots not directly aligned with a component or crew did nothing or nearly nothing. Center mass shot in hull side causing literally 0 damage internally lmao. Good luck

But we don’t know if it’s any better then Swedish leopards yet? As of right now we don’t know if it has Composite D or C and if it’s C then it’s literally STRV 122 with bit better gun and better thermals.

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Dude, look at the screenshots posted before.

Didn’t know about that spalling thing, we’ll just have to wait to see it in action, and how busted it is.

This is going to be yet another tomfoolery from Gaijin, adding a tank without it’s best features to keep it lower in BR.
Their obsession with not giving us 12.0+ continues.

I did. I don’t speak German.

At the moment we have no way to confirm its capability, as the model isn’t even finished, but so far I’ve already noted a few inaccuracies;

  • it’s overweight by 2.4 tons (!!!)
  • its top speed is 5kph too high, reverse is likely 3kph too high
  • still has a full 42 round load (should be 37)
  • highly likely it will suffer from the PSO add-on armour issue, i.e armour not shattering APFSDS

Yes, mine protection

There’s an english translation to the right… so no, you clearly did not take a look at anything here.


And 2a7v too heavy

So far I’ve only seen that one picture that has Arcade stats on it, did you reference the same picture for this as well ?

The stat card was saying 68kph, possibly, maybe. Dunno really until dev server opens, but I’ve still noted it down since it’s an inaccuracy in my eyes (even if it might be due the game mode).

It also states 64 degrees/s turret traverse, so I believe top speed should also be affected by this.


Clearly nothing wrong there komrad

Things to look up for in the leo2a7v at the dev server:

Make sure the armor doesnt just pop off after 1 hit

Make sure the upper front plate actually ricochets shots unlike the PSO

Confirm if theres any acceleration difference

Check for mine protection and if it removes the first row of ammunition

Confirm whats the function of the armor package in the tank mods

Check and compare the general armor values between it and the strv 122s (it should have more armor)


Could be that, need to see it on the dev server (if it will be there to begin with).

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Those are arcade stats!

That’s what I was saying.

2A5 vs 2A7V in files, seems like it’s the same composite

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