Lets talk about the state of Germany

That’s why number 3 is focused on the ruleset and not Germany itself.
It indirectly would impact Germany, USA, etc.
Pretty much all the tech trees that aren’t Sweden, China, and Soviets.

If there is lack of information about armor for a tank, make the tank armored for its weight class & size compared to other known tanks.

After all, we have the non-ERA armor of T-90M, Strv 122, and Type 99.
No, it’s not authentic, but it would still be realistic that tanks of similar volume and mass could have similar armor profiles.

kuglplitz got moved to 7.0 and it’s MK-103 pen got nerfed from 95mm (it was historically proven the pen of HVAP can reach up to 100mm) to 77mm but the M 59/53 is allowed to keep its 91mm of pen.

Same happened to the Horten MK-103 both accuracy and pen got nerfed and HVAP belt got nerfed to use to be pure HVAP but now it only have two HPAV bullets in the belt, btw i really don’t care that much about HVAP since the API is far better IMO but still if others can have it why can’t we get it.

I tried my best give them all the resources i have plus if anyone can make a simple search on wiki on any German bomb in Warhead section you will always find Trialen 105 as filling that was used for the bombs

I think it’s @Toxindragon . I won’t be a suit to that… I don’t know much such as he…

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Two options even someone we know from the forums or a moderator that can help us

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I don’t think gaijin will listen to the advice of German players in the future.
We have already provided all the information they asked for.

They aren’t examples are Hummel this vehicle is already modeled in game they just refuse to add it no matter the amount of suggestions they receive about it a another on is the He-280 this one passed the consideration 9 yrs ago and to this day it was never implemented

Another example is the bug reports that they chose to ignore about 2a7 D tech and it’s armour

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I won’t put high hopes on number 3 since knowing that Gaijin only moved after the community get so feed up with their economy changes they decided to review bomb the game and only after that they decided to listen but still have little hope that it may works

Once I finish this winter activity, I won’t play anymore.


They are going to completely ignore the issues we submitted. Our voices here will not change anything anymore. We are completely abandoned.This game is hopeless gg…

We will not change anything if we don’t do anything. Let’s try to last rush to developers…

gaijin doesnt care for you and never will how do people still not get this

Is there any way to attract gaijin’s attention?

We’ve done everything we need to do. What else do we need to do?

They don’t even look at these problems. What can we do?

if you can like mobilize like half of the playerbase into not playing their most degenerate addiction ever - sure, otherwise wed have to count on them being nice, which uuuh yknow

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There two ways : riot or boycott their game for a while. Or else to provide our human to moderator (or higher)


We need a team leader to lead this matter


Nope. The review bombing happened after the economy was reverted.

The guy “gave up” cuz gaijin is an impossible company to work with.
If your “employer” fu*ks you over, time and time again, you stop working for them and start looking for something new.
This has nothing to do with “giving up”.
Just talk to former tech mods. Its gaijin, not them giving up.

It also doesnt matter what sources you bring them cuz “we have a source that says otherwise”

Example Puma APFSDS
We make reports with manufacturer documents.
Gaijin: we have a source that says otherwise
We: Huh?! Whats more worth as proof than the manufacturers documentation? Can we see your source please?
Gaijin: lol no.

No matter who you volunteer as a researcher/ representitive… Nothing will change mate.
Yell as loud as you want. Their hearing protection is better…


Restoring vehicle performance has become a bad sign for gaijin. If gaijin really wants it, it can even create something out of thin air (like Japan’s F16). If gaijin doesn’t want it, no matter how much information you give it, it will ignore or even use ridiculous excuses to refute it.

I have reason to believe that Gaijin is unwilling to restore the acceleration performance and true level of protection of the A7V, not because we did not provide enough information, but because of balance, and may even attract more people to play the Swedish tech tree.