just go you are completly useless here either way
Not true.
Update “Sons of Attila”:
Update “Sky Guardians”:
- Chally 2E
- Ariete AMV PT1
- Pantsir S1
Update “Apex Predators”:
- WZ1001
Ignoring air additions. Going back to December of 2022 (and not taking into account the December 2023 update), 3 out 5 updates brought in new top tier ground vehicles, taking into account this update, 4 out of 6.
We’re looking at 6 to 15 new top tier ground additions in the past 5 - 6 updates (again, depending on whether we’re including Air Superiority).
Those are other prototypes but no RUAG kit itself, part of the PZ87 WE , never made it past prototypes as well and can be hardly told if its a real upgrade. Cant be realy implemented since no information is known and gajin would end up skewering it either way. The only 2A4 Kits that reasonably could be added are Evolution, Revolution since they are known and in use
The discussion about new national TTs and sub-TTs really bores me already. The discussion itself has become an endless loop.
It is evident that the game will reach the latest vehicles that currently exist. That leaves out a lot of nations to be independent TT’s (unless something changes in the way Gaijin adds new Nations).
At this point, I think most of the new nations will be appendages to those currently in the game.
So it would be good to know what plans gaijin has for this and put an end to this discussion once and for all, which in addition to being an endless loop, is replicated in every thread of this forum.
Particularly in regards to this thread and me, I would like to know what the subtrees of Germany will be and how they will be added since we already have 5 lines on the ground and in the air.
I am very anxious to know what vehicles we can receive. I like Switzerland. And although I don’t like the Swiss hunter, the fact that he came to the German TT when he has nothing to do with Germany is a clear indication that the Swiss vehicles will go here. But… gaijin said that there are no more Swiss vehicles planned for this TT, which means that if they come, it will be a long time from now.
If the difference between real and mock-up vehicle cannot be Seen, said vehicle should be admittable to WT
ah true forgot those
wont happen, besides that your image is corrupted
Fixed, I hate this finnicky image Insertion Here.
no idea, never had a problem with it and literaly copy paste out of the internet
If the vehicle is a mock-up it shouldn’t be added. Simple as.
And don’t forget this Ukrainian moderisation )))))))
Not so easy on the mobile Phone, you cannot Ctr+c and Ctrl+v
German tank with russian bias era it would be a monster
A rat with 28/32cm rocket launchers
Wrong choice of words, mistake on my part.
I was more arguing the fact they have a focus on top tier stuff, which doesn’t seem quite right when you have whole updates that basically ignore them or have them but in low %.
In total, updates from Kings of Battle to Sky Guardians (both included) added 31 top tier vehicles (-1.0 from top BR) and 88 non top tier ones, so saying that Gaijin has the focus on something is misleading.
All of this started when one individual implied Gaijin has pulled the plug on anything that’s not top tier, since they have focused top tier in the latest update, which is obviously false.
Mid/lower BR additions do not have to be boring, there’s still plenty of interesting vehicles to add.
For Germany specifically we could have the Spz. Luchs, and the Pz. II Ausf L Luchs!
These are fairly popular vehicles that would attract attention, even if they’re not a “shiny” top tier addition.
Not wrong tbh? A lot of lower tier additions are usually C&Ps with some external/visual changes (such as the Tigris added in this update), M109s are all practically identical (but 3 or 4 were added).
On the other hand, it is inexact to say Gaijin completely abandoned lower BRs, but at the same time it’s not like it is their primary focus. Easiest way to judge is to compare the amount of premiums added between higher and lower ranks - majority of recently added ones are at at least Rank 6+/7.
Lower ranks are seen as an afterthought, a secondary player to top tier.
Im down for getting an extra 2a4 in my lineup. I don’t want to fork over my bank account for the premium leopard. While the 2k is nice its not the greatest tt backup for the 2a4
Still waiting for RSO PaK-40