Italy or hungary doesn’t have a standard 2a7. Hungary has the 2a7V which is to modern for war thunder right now. This tank would be better than the sep3. Italy ordered some german leopard but they would be 2a7Vs or 2a8s which would be much better aswell
The only thing Italy needs now is an MBT at the top level (just in terms of competitiveness) and that’s just what they’re not getting. Germany needs a new MBT. PSO is a 70 ton meme. The next reasonable step was a 2A7 for both nations.
2A7V is too modern but the T-90M and T-90M obr. 2020 are fine? And what’s the problem with 2A7V being better then sep3?
That they should be added at the same time and ton of tanks are missing in between these leos for germany like the leo2EX, the TVMs, the leo2A7, the leo2a7+, the Leo2revelution and so on.
2a7V isnt that modern (and i woldnt care if it come the 2a7 and 2a7v to the germans and 2 2a7v to the italians they need decent mbts) its a leo 2a7 with armor what i think should be in the game the 2a7 should had come 1 year ago and the tank is from 2016 the bvm is 2015
The tanks are missing because gaijin said fuck you to germany for 2 years
Why do we need all those tanks? I can assure you nobody would be mad if they just added 2A7V after the 2A6 and make the rest event/premium.
The 2A7V brings the hull protection up to the same level as the turret by using what is likely E-Tech. It also has the L/55A1 high pressure gun and an improved drive train, which gives it the same mobility as the 2A4. It is far too modern to add at the moment.
No T-90M will never be fine as long as there are no counter for other nation such as Leopard 2A7 M1A2 SEP V3 etc
and if they dare to add T-90M and give German just PSO it will be unacceptable and Russia getting enough stuff none stop already it should be enough
and there is Sweden that get more and better Leopard than German which is kinda funny (sure they can have it but so do German)
that three years of waiting and it should not be disappoint.
Gaijin was supposed to add the amx13-105 instead because its more French. They said it would come the following patch. It never did and I don’t know why gaijin being lazy is somehow the German trees fault. Since the amx13-105 never did get added, I think they should get the df105. I just don’t think it should never have gone into the german tree as many seem to think.
You are talking about E-tech but If I remember correctly A5/A6 doesn’t even get C-tech they should so invalid point.
Even with 2A7 it wouldn’t be fair. It must be an 2A7V otherwise it’s gonna be another sidegrade this time for 2A6.
The 2A7 would just be a fancy 2A6 btw. It’s only differences are APU, mine protection, gen 3 CITV, DM11 HE, mountings for the PSO’s side armour.
The 2A5 and 2A6 have C-Tech ingame, the hull performs much better than the B-Tech hull of the 2A4.
at least frontal armor should be on par or better than Strv122
for me if PSO come to the live Server it should have modification to replace the dozer blade with full UFP armor and Thermal for Gunner should be at least gen 2 commander are already gen 2 which is for me still acceptable.
I agree with you on the armour. The thermals are problematic since the PSO had gen 1 gunner irl. They could add the 2A6MA3 for improved thermals (gen 3).
fair enough on thermal then
Yes, you need to check in the protection analysis, not X-ray
Exactly as underrepresented minor nations we have to collectivize our struggle towards Gaijin, instead of fighting each other