Lets talk about the state of Germany

Mfw more aim is often required to take out the KV-1 and T-34 than they require to disable other vehicles…

After checking the mk44 30mm on the french vbc i agree i was wrong on the ammunition being the same, but this means that the faster moving belgian round is underperforming in game on the french vbc.

To further my point about shell stats being odd in game and confusion on where exactly they get their sources.

As you can see this catalog which has the 105mm apfsds for the amx10rc specifically has the same stats as it does in game. Including the full 3.8kg projectile mass, something no other apfsds gets.

As you can see this is the 20mm rh202s hvapt with again the same weight and muzzle velocity as it does in game.

Here is ofl 120f1 which once again has the same muzzle velocity.

That’s why it’s almost impossible to penetrate this tank.
It’s time for the Russian vehicles to get a god mode like that for players like this.
It’s not right that these people pay so much money for their hacks and then can be destroyed!

From Today:
Player: flying__unicorn

I see more of these people every day and almost always the same regions.

Made a suggestion for a 2A4C, pending but I will post the link to it here if it gets approved.
I’d appreciate your support on this one :)

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iirc they found the correct ammo the russians actually “use”, maybe not use but the round they actually developed, but I dont remember what it was called.

Sure given how gaijin hands out ahistorical ammo everywhere but I really dont see the reason to do so with the Puma, let it use the ammo it actually is using in real life, and I dont except the Belgium round to perform that much different, sure some more pen but that wont change much.

and if we apply the same logic theyre using with PMC287 the M928 will end up will less core mass, so less spalling.

found it

That provides zero info on the 30mm apfsds.

So my question is, is why do some of these shells from the nexter catalog line up pretty much exactly with whats in game like the non russian apfsds for the 2a42 and the amx10 rc even down to being heavier than any other apfsds.

And then ypuve got the upgraded apfsds for the 25mm bushmaster with 1440m/s muzzle velocity which would make the chadleys main gun more like the mk44 in penetration.

Yet its listed as having a projectile weight of 130 grams, which would make it an upgrade over the m919, but that once again calls into question penetrator weights, if gaijin says that the penetrator is really less than half the listed projectile weight then shouldnt (if it gets added) it end up being a 50 gram apfsds? Cause idk the real world stats for m919 yet.

And shouldnt the amx10 rc have like a 2kg penetrator in game? Among many other apfsds shells needing to be potentially lightened? And if not then shouldnt the pumas apfsds and other autocannons be like 200 grams or more?

I just wonder why anti-era tip not in the game yet? did Gaijin really afraid that it will smoke the Russian tanks before they even see the light of days or something? and i’m sure there are no era irl can protect the tanks from modern kinetic round at 10-500 meter away from shooter

That’s why we decided to stop the discussion about that, since that pretty much comes to personal preference and playstyles.
BVM is really potent in the hands of someone experienced, but has some inherent flaws that might catch newbs off guard, which was my point when comparing it’s “ease of play” with Swedish 122s for example.

I mean there is no other explanation for that sudden spike in WRs, either TS is complete garbage and should be laughed at or I was right from the start, saying that so many experienced players flocked to Russia because of their extensive lineups, thus inflating WRs and making that nation look hilariously OP in the process.

In my opinion, Germany getting +15% WR in a matter of a month right after the not-so-welcomed addition of PSO doesn’t make any sense, at least from machinery point of view, since that thing adds absolutely nothing new to the table.

Nothing that is volatile as TS shouldn’t be trusted, ever.

Say that to my Swedish top tier playing almost exclusively against Russia and still performing fine.

I guess there’s no need to add that yet.
I wondering, have you been living under a rock my mate, because Russia has been de-crowned as the best major nation, at least when you look at the WRs on that “totally accurate” site which many people like to quote when calling for bias and OP.

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Russian mains really should be embarrassed between the Helicopters, T-80BVM, 2S38, Pantsir, etc…

not only do that get their literal newest vehicles, but they artificially buff them on top of it. (And nobody can have the AH-64E because it might be over powered with those fire and forget missiles everyone else has…but here’s a Blackhawk!)


idk ask gaijin

I went to the Munster Tank Museum to check some basic stats of the Puma and take some photos. It has not been fitted with the final armor package, but the base chassis should be identical.


So if you have information, use it to make report

I know the stats are wrong, but I can’t prove the real dimensions with photos of a non-production vehicle can’t I? Haven’t done that before.

yeah its not possible, besides that the main problem is rather that gajin knows rough protection values of the vehicles but is missing so much information (the already existing bug reports) that they need to artificaly increase those numbers to get to the stated protection values or just got them plain wrong

Das kannst du Dir auch sparen.
Der Fehler wird im besten Fall akzepptiert, aber nicht geändert oder Du kannst Jahre drauf warten.
Der Puma ist mit einer der Panzer im Spiel, der mit jeder BR Anppassung verschlechtert wurde, während andere Fahrzeuge die Fähigkeiten vom Puma erhalten haben.

Friend, i understand half of this, could you write on English or (just joking) on Russian language?

You can save yourself the trouble.
The mistake will be acknowledged in the best case, but will not be changed or you gotta wait years for it.
The Puma is one of the tanks in the game, who got worse and worse with every BR change, while other vehicles gained the abilities of the Puma

Sorry but cant do russian xD

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I understand english, but deutsche a bit hard for me. I’m trying to improve it, but don’t have much time for that.
Translator is a good thing, but that can do mistakes

no worries^^